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The Indian River Lagoon Glossary of Terms and Definitions applies specifically to the [[Indian River Lagoon Estuary|Indian River Lagoon National Estuary]] and it's local demographic. The glossary contains IRL relevant terms and draws on local Florida East Coast examples to represent the terms. View the entire glossary and add new terms on the [[Glossary:Terms|Glossary Page]]. | The Indian River Lagoon Glossary of Terms and Definitions applies specifically to the [[Indian River Lagoon Estuary|Indian River Lagoon National Estuary]] and it's local demographic. The glossary contains IRL relevant terms and draws on local Florida East Coast examples to represent the terms. View the entire glossary and add new terms on the [[Glossary:Terms|Glossary Page]]. | ||
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Revision as of 12:35, December 8, 2019
Indian River Lagoon Project Library
The IRL Library includes Reference Sources, Web Links, Digital Media, and a Glossary of Terms commonly used in the Indian River Lagoon Project.

A whole new language develops when 100's of organizations get involved. The IRL Dictionary contains terms, definitions, and abbreviations used in Indian River Lagoon terminology.
Glossary of Terms
The Indian River Lagoon Glossary of Terms and Definitions applies specifically to the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary and it's local demographic. The glossary contains IRL relevant terms and draws on local Florida East Coast examples to represent the terms. View the entire glossary and add new terms on the Glossary Page.
New Glossary Terms
Term | Definition |
Term | Definition |
barrier island | A long, narrow, sandy island that is above high tide and parallel to the shore that commonly has dunes, vegetated zones, and swampy terrains extending lagoonward from the beach. |
salt marsh | Salt marshes are coastal wetlands that are flooded and drained by salt water brought in by the tides. |
Environmental Protection Agency | An agency of the United States federal government whose mission is to protect human and environmental health. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the EPA is responsible for creating standards and laws promoting the health of individuals and the environment. |
wetland | areas inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support , and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.” |
National Environmental Policy Act | The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321-4347) helps federal agencies make decisions based on an understanding of environmental consequences and take actions that protect, restore, and enhance the environment. |
reasonable assurance plan | Reasonable Assurance Plans (RAP) provide an implementation schedule and resource commitments that there are, or will be, pollutant loading reductions that will result in the waterbody achieving water quality targets to attain and maintain the designated use. |
onsite sewage treatment and disposal system | Onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems (OSTDS), commonly referred to as septic systems, can contain any one or more of the following components: septic tank; subsurface drainfield; aerobic treatment unit; graywater tank; laundry wastewater tank; grease interceptor; pump tank; waterless, incinerating or organic waste-composing toilet; and sanitary pit privy. An OSTDS must provide for subsurface effluent disposal and must not have any open tanks or open treatment units. |
eutrophication | process by which large additions of nutrients causes an overgrowth of algae and subsequent depletion of oxygen. |
reef | A ridge-like or mound-like structure, layered or massive, built by sedentary calcareous organisms, especially corals, and consisting mostly of their remains; it is wave-resistant and stands above the surrounding contemporaneously deposited sediment. Reefs may also include a mass or ridge of rocks, especially coral and sometimes sand, gravel, or shells, rising above the surrounding estuary or sea bottom to or nearly to the surface.
decomposition | the process of decaying or rotting; breaking down or separating a substance into smaller or simpler components. |
mudflat | part of benthic (bottom) zone exposed at low tide and comprised of extremely fine sediments. |
zooplankton | animal or animal-like protists, small or microscopic, that drift with the currents, may be either herbivores or carnivores. |
zonation | distribution of plants or animals arranged in zones or bands, caused by gradations of abiotic and/or biotic factors. |
water | a molecule-composed compound of hydrogen and oxygen. |
wastewater | The combination of liquid and pollutants from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants, and institutions, together with any ground water, surface runoff, or leachate that may be present. |
vessel | Every watercraft or other contrivance capable of being used as a means of transportation on water. |
vertebrate | animal having a backbone. |
upland | Land above the mean high water line (shoreline) and subject to private ownership, as distinguished from tidelands, the ownership of which is prima facie in the state but also subject to divestment under state statutes. |
turbid | water that is so full of small particles, such as silt, that the water is no longer transparent but instead appears cloudy. |
tributary | a stream that flows into a larger stream or other body of water. |
tidewater | Water activated by the tide generating forces and/or water affected by the resulting tide, especially in coastal and estuarine areas. Also, a general term often applied to the land and water of estuarine areas formed by postglacial drowning of coastal plain rivers. |
tide | periodic rise and fall of ocean waters due to gravitational pull of sun and moon, and rotation of earth. |
stakeholder | an individual, group of people, or organization that has an interest, concern, or will be affected by an action or issue. |
silt | tiny specs of dirt, sized between sand and clay particles, that can be suspended in water or fall out of suspension to cover plants and the bottom of lakes or pool sections of rivers and streams. |
shoreline | The intersection of the land with the water surface. The shoreline shown on charts represents the line of contact between the land and a selected water elevation. In areas affected by tidal fluctuations, this line of contact is the mean high water line. In confined coastal waters of diminished tidal influence, the mean water level line may be used. |
shore | The narrow strip of land immediately bordering any body of water, esp. the sea or a large lake; specifically the zone over which the ground is alternately exposed and covered by tides or waves, or the zone between high water and low water. |
shoal | A shoal is a submerged or partially-submerged long and narrow ridge, normally of sand, that form in rivers and oceans. |
ship | A ship is any vessel or conveyance that floats on or operates on the water and is equal to or larger than 197 feet (60 meters) length overall (LOA). A ship may be used for pleasure, commercial, or residential purposes. |
shellfish | aquatic invertebrates with exoskeletons used as food, including various species of mollusks and crustaceans, such as crabs, shrimp, clams, and oysters. |
septage | The liquid and solid materials pumped from a septic tank during cleaning operations. |
seagrass | submerged rooted aquatic plants that tolerate salinity. |
salinity | the concentration of salts dissolved in salt water. |
residuals | The solids generated or retained during the treatment of wastewater. They include trash, rags, grit, sediment, sludge, biosolids, septage, scum, and grease, as well as those portions of treatment systems that have served their useful life and require disposal, such as the sand or peat from a filter. Because of the different characteristics of residuals, management requirements can differ as stipulated by the appropriate federal regulations. |
runoff | precipitation that drains into a water body from the surface of the surrounding land |
restoration | make physical changes in a destroyed or impaired habitat that returns a site to the type of habitat it was prior to human made impacts. |
response | ecological responses are behavioral and physical changes that happen during the lifetime of a single organism and increase individual’s chance of survival as opposed to evolutionary adaptation, which takes place over multiple generations and is a result of a change in the species genetic makeup. |
organism | a living thing, such as animal, plant or micro-organism, that is capable of reproduction, growth and maintenance. |
protist | often unicellular but they can be multi-cellular or colonial the organisms in this Kingdom have characteristics of plants, animals and fungi and contains most algae. |
producer | autotroph; organism that creates energy-rich compounds from sunlight (through photosynthesis) or certain chemicals (through chemosynthesis); first level in any food web; in estuarine systems, most abundant producers are phytoplankton. |
predation | the killing and/or consumption of living organisms by other living organisms. |
pollution | contamination of natural environment. |
pollutant | Generally any substance, such as a chemical or waste product, introduced into the environment that adversely affects the usefulness of a resource. |
pleasure craft | Pleasure Craft, in a marine context, are all boats used for recreational not commercial purposes. Though craft applies to all sizes of vessels, by convention pleasure craft are boats, and most commonly are small to moderate sized boats, under approximately 80 feet (24.3 meters) LOA. |
plankton | free-floating organisms drifting in water, unable to swim against currents. |
phytoplankton | floating plants or plant-like photosynthetic single cellular organisms |
photosynthesis | process of using energy in sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygen. |
periphyton | a complex mixture of algae, detritus, bacteria, and microbes that are attached to submerged objects in most aquatic ecosystems. |
pathogenic | Causing disease; commonly applied to microorganisms that cause infectious diseases. |
parasitism | similar to predation in that one species benefits from the relationship and the other is harmed; differs from predation in that parasitism generally not fatal to adversely affected organism. |
omnivore | animals that feed at several levels of food web; diet includes a mix of living and/or dead plants and animals. |
nutrient | a substance required by organisms in order to grow and survive such as nitrogen and phosphorus. |
nursery | term used colloquially to refer to estuaries. Many fish species are dependent on estuaries for part of their lives. |
mutualism | form of relationship in which both species involved gain from the interaction. |
muck | Muck is the black ooze accumulating on the bottom of the lagoon. Silt, sediment, and other fine particles carried in by tributaries, canals, and storm drains accumulate and break down on the bottom, forming the thick black ooze. |
mollusks | soft bodied, shelled animals such as clams, oysters, nudibraches and octopi (the latter two have either small remnant shell within their bodies or an embryonic shell). |
migration | the movement of living organisms from one biome to another, commonly with changing seasons. |
marsh | soft wet land usually characterized by grasses.
mangrove | tree species that grow in non-freezing estuaries. There are about 12 species though the black, red, and white are most common.
longitude | Longitude is a measurement of distance on the earth’s surface, east or west of the Greenwich, England (0° Longitude) meridian, expressed in angular measurements of degrees or hours from 180° West (or -180°) to 180° East. Degrees of longitude are imaginary lines drawn 60 minutes apart from North Pole to South Pole around the Earth. Each minute of longitude can be further divided into 60 seconds. |
loading | The total quantity of pollutants in stormwater runoff that contributes to the water quality impairment. |
levee | Artificial bank confining a stream channel or limiting adjacent areas subject to flooding; an embankment bordering a submarine canyon or channel, usually occurring along the outer edge of a curve. |
latitude | The angular distance between a terrestrial position and the equator measured northward or southward from the equator along a meridian of longitude. |
lagoon | Lagoons are separated from larger bodies of water by sandbars, barrier reefs, coral reefs, or other natural barriers. The word "lagoon" derives from the Italian word laguna, which means "pond" or "lake."
isopods | aquatic crustaceans with flat, oval body and seven pairs of legs. |
island | An area of land completely surrounded by water. |
invertebrate | an animal that does not have a backbone; such as snails, worms, and insects. |
intertidal zone | The coastal environment between mean low tide and mean high tide that alternates between subaerial and subaqueous depending on the tidal cycle.
inshore | In beach terminology, the zone of variable width between the shoreface and the seaward limit of the breaker zone. |
inlet | 1. A recess, such as a bay or cove, along a coast.
infauna | organisms living between the grains of sand or mud. |
hypoxic | very low oxygen levels. |
herbivore | an animal that eats plants. |
halophyte | a plant that grows in waters of high salinity. |
habitat | the natural environment in which an organism normally lives, including the surroundings and other physical conditions needed to sustain it. |
groundwater | water contained below ground in soil and rock. |
gill | the paired respiratory organ of fishes and some amphibians, by which oxygen is extracted from water flowing over surfaces within or attached to the walls of the pharynx. |
gastropod | one of a class of mollusks that includes the snails and nudibranchs. |
fry | newly hatched fish. |
foreshore | the area between mean low water and mean high water. |
exoskeleton | a hard outer covering. |
euryhaline | able to live at a variety of salinities. |
estuary | Estuaries and their surrounding wetlands are bodies of water usually found where rivers meet the sea. Estuaries are home to unique plant and animal communities that have adapted to brackish water—a mixture of fresh water draining from the land and salty seawater. |
estuarine | of, relating to, or formed in an estuary |
erosion | Transportation of weathered (decomposed) rock material or soil by natural forces. |
erode | the wearing away of the land by the action of water, ice or wind. |
epibenthos | organisms that live on the bottom, rather than burrowed into, of an aquatic system. |
elasmobranch | approximately 400 species of fish, including sharks and rays that have skeletons made of cartilage. |
effluent | Sewage, water, or other liquid, partially or completely treated or in its natural state, flowing out of a septic tank, subsurface wastewater infiltration system, aerobic treatment unit, or other treatment system or system component. |
ecotourism | travel undertaken to witness sites or regions of unique natural or ecologic quality. Often it is environmentally responsible travel that benefits nature and local communities. |
ecosystem | the biotic community and its abiotic environment. |
echolocation | biological sonar used by several kinds of animals where the animal makes sounds and listens to the echoes of those sounds that return from bouncing off objects near them. These echoes can be used to locate and identify prey and objects, and be used in navigating through their environment. |
ebb | the falling tide when the water moves out to the sea and the water level lowers. |
dredge | an excavation or digging activity carried out at least partly underwater in shallow water areas to move bottom materials from one place to another; often used to keep waterways deep enough for boat passage. |
drawbridge | a bridge withspans that can be raised up, let down, or drawn aside so as to permit tall watercraft to pass |
diverse | of different kinds, types, or species. |
dinoflagellates | common type of phytoplankton, most abundant in fall; responsible for “red tides” as well as bioluminescence. |
dike | an embankment for controlling or holding back the waters of the sea or a river:
diatom | one of most common groups of phytoplankton; single-celled organism that reproduces asexually. |
detritus | newly dead or decaying organic matter coated with bacteria. |
desiccation | loss of water. |
View the full list, and add new abbreviations on the Abbreviations Page.
New Abbreviations
Web Link Directory
Informative website links that connect you with Indian River Lagoon Estuary activities, locations, volunteer opportunities and social media groups. View all, and add new web links in the Web Link Directory.
New Web Links
Name | Topic | Subtopic | |
Name | Topic | Subtopic | |
Florida Department of Environmental Protection Information Portal | Government Organizations | Research Resources | |
Florida Water Resource Monitoring Catalog | Water Quality Resources | ||
Freshwater and Marine Image Bank | Educational Material | Wildlife | |
IRLNEP 2022 Annual Report | Restoration Resources | Educational Material | |
Floridas Right to Clean Water Webinar | Water Quality Resources | ||
Saving Floridas Starving Manatees | Wildlife | Education | |
Please Keep Plastics Out of My Lagoon | Educational Material | ||
National Estuary Program Booklet | Conservation Resources | Educational Material • Restoration Resources | |
TCPalm Newspaper | Restoration Resources | ||
Septic Systems Overview | Restoration Resources | Educational Material | |
Florida Today Newspaper | Restoration Resources | Educational Material | |
National Estuary Program Map | Conservation Resources | Restoration Resources | |
Conservation Conversations with Chelsea - Abbey Gering | Restoration Resources | ||
Dr. Douglass' Science Network | Research Resources | Restoration Resources • Education College | |
From the Water: Healing the Indian River Lagoon | Restoration Resources | Educational Material | |
IRL Council | Restoration Resources | Conservation Resources | |
Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program Facebook | Restoration Resources | ||
Understanding Living Shorelines | Educational Material | Restoration Resources | |
Conservation Conversations with Chelsea - Callie Shaffer | Conservation Resources | Restoration Resources | |
Ocean Allison Podcast - Jacqui Thurlow-Lippisch | Restoration Resources | ||
Our Indian River Lagoon | Restoration Resources | Educational Material | |
Indian River Lagoon News | Restoration Resources | Educational Material | |
One Community, One Voice, One Lagoon | Restoration Resources | Educational Material | |
Indian River Lagoon News Facebook | Restoration Resources | ||
Indian River Lagoon News YouTube Channel | Restoration Resources | Educational Material | |
Indian Riverkeeper | Non-Governmental Organizations | Restoration Resources | |
Jacqui Thurlow-Lippisch Blog | Restoration Resources | ||
Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan 2019 | Restoration Resources | ||
Save Our Indian River Lagoon Plan 2020 | Restoration Resources | ||
Conservation Conversations with Chelsea - Dr. Leesa Souto | Restoration Resources | ||
IRL Council Board of Directors Meeting 2021-05-14 | Government Organizations | Restoration Resources | |
National Estuary Program Story Map | Conservation Resources | Educational Material • Restoration Resources | |
NASA KSC presents the Indian River Lagoon Health Initiative Plan to the IRL National Estuary Program | NASA - KSC | Restoration Resources | |
Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan | Restoration Resources | ||
An Overview of the Indian River Lagoon | Restoration Resources | Educational Material | |
Indian River Lagoon Straight Talk with Dr. Duane De Freese 2020-01-22 | Water Quality Resources | Educational Material • Restoration Resources | |
IRL Discussion Facebook Group | Restoration Resources | ||
Banana River Lagoon Seagrass 1992-2019 Time Lapse Animation | Research Resources | Water Quality Resources | |
Indian River Lagoon Health Video Playlist | Water Quality Resources | Educational Material | |
Indian River Lagoon Health Update 2020 | Water Quality Resources | ||
Chuck Jacoby - Webinar - Where are you going Indian River Lagoon? | Water Quality Resources | Educational Material | |
Environmental Protection Agency | Government Organizations | Water Quality Resources • Research Institute | |
Continuous Water Quality Monitoring Portal | Water Quality Resources | ||
Marine Resources Council 2020 IRL Health Report | Water Quality Resources | ||
Catch a Memory Outdoors - Indian River Lagoon Report Card (11-30-2019) | Fishing | Water Quality Resources | |
Algal Bloom Dashboard | Research Resources | Educational Material • Water Quality Resources | |
USGS National Water Dashboard | Water Quality Resources | ||
Indian River Lagoon Straight Talk with Virginia Barker, Satellite High School, January 2020 | Water Quality Resources | ||
How is My Waterway? Application | Water Quality Resources | ||
ORCA Kilroy IRL Water Quality Monitor System Map | Water Quality Resources | Research Institute | |
National Estuary Program | Restoration Resources | Research Resources | |
Indian River Lagoon Research Video Playlist | Research Resources | Educational Material | |
United States Fish and Wildlife Service Social Media | Conservation Resources | National Wildlife Refuges • Research Resources | |
UCF Showcase of Text, Archives, Research and Scholarship | Educational Material | Research Resources | |
NASA Technical Reports Server | Research Resources | Educational Material | |
Marine Ecology Lectures by James Douglass | Research Resources | Educational Material • Virtual Learning | |
ScienceBase | Research Resources | Educational Material | |
InfoBridge | Research Resources | ||
Texas Aquatic Science | Virtual Learning | Education K-12 • Educational Material • Research Resources | |
Indian River Lagoon Species Inventory | Wildlife | Educational Material • Virtual Learning • Research Resources | |
Searching for Microplastics | Research Resources | ||
Dr. James Douglass Marine Ecologist Personal Blog | Research Resources | ||
Florida Electronic Library | Educational Material | Research Resources | |
EBird Tracker | Bird Watching | Research Resources | |
US Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region You Tube Playlist | Conservation Resources | Research Resources | |
James' Blog | Research Resources | ||
Securing Florida's Water Future: Indian River Lagoon | Conservation Resources | Educational Material • Research Resources | |
Dr Douglass Science Network Facebook Page | Research Resources | Conservation Resources | |
Gopher Tortoise Sighting Map | Conservation Resources | Wildlife Encounter | |
Gopher Tortoise Protection Video | Wildlife | Conservation Resources • Educational Material | |
National Estuary Program Habitat Protection and Restoration Book | Conservation Resources | Educational Material | |
Florida Gopher Tortoise Conservation Program | Conservation Resources | Conservation Resources • Wildlife | |
National Estuary Program Story Map Text | Conservation Resources | Educational Material | |
Fish and Wildlife Service Conservation Library | Conservation Resources | Educational Material | |
US Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Flickr Photostream | Conservation Resources | ||
Outdoor Florida Map | Florida State Parks | Boating • Camping • Fishing • Sightseeing • Wildlife Encounter | |
Manatee Field Guide Story Map | Virtual Learning | Manatee Watching | |
Shorebird Student Activity Guide | Educational Material | Education K-12 • Wildlife | |
What's An Estuary? | Education K-12 | Educational Material | |
Watershed Academy | Virtual Learning | Educational Material | |
UCF Coastal and Estuary Ecology Lab Children's Books | Education K-12 | Educational Material | |
This Amazing Place Where the Sea Meets the Land | Education K-12 | Educational Material | |
Scenic Indian River Lagoon Video Playlist | Sightseeing | ||
National Service Center for Environmental Publications | Educational Material | ||
Marine Resource Council Virtual Learning | Virtual Learning | Education K-12 | |
Indian River Lagoon Wildlife Video Playlist | Wildlife | Educational Material | |
EPA Environmental Educational Materials for Teachers | Educational Material | Education K-12 | |
Indian River Lagoon History Video Playlist | History Links | Educational Material | |
Indian River Lagoon Educational Video Playlist | Educational Material | Education K-12 | |
Gopher Tortoise Council | Non-Governmental Organizations | Wildlife | |
Fish and Wildlife Service National Digital Library | Educational Material | Wildlife | |
Catch a Memory Outdoors Radio Show | Fishing | ||
Indian River Lagoon Observatory | Education College | Research Institute | |
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Education College | Research Institute | |
Indian River Lagoon Research Institute | Research Institute | Education College | |
Mathers Bridge Part 1: The Mathers Experience | Places | History Links | |
Mathers Bridge Part 2 - The History | Places | History Links | |
Grand Canal Live Cam | Places | ||
Outdoor Florida | Florida State Parks | Boating • Camping • Fishing • Sightseeing • Wildlife Encounter | |
Canaveral National Seashore | National Parks | Beaches • Paddling • Primitive Camping • Inshore Fishing • Shore Fishing • Surf Fishing • Sightseeing • Wildlife Encounter • Sea Turtle Watching |
Reference Link Directory
A repository for the source materials cited in the Indian River Lagoon Project, including databases, documents, images, maps, videos and website links from the conservation, ecology, education, government, research, and science institutions that study the Indian River Lagoon.
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Digital Media Center
Web Site links to rich media archives, image galleries, interactive tools, maps, news feeds, podcasts and videos used in the Indian River Lagoon Project.
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