LTBP InfoBridge
An intuitive and user-friendly interface to access, visualize, and analyze bridge performance data.

The Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) Program is a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) long-term research effort to help the bridge community better understand bridge performance. The overall objectives of the LTBP Program are to monitor representative samples of bridges nationwide to collect, document, maintain, manage, and disseminate high-quality quantitative performance data over an extended time horizon. This will be accomplished by taking advantage of advanced nondestructive evaluation (NDE) and structural health monitoring (SHM) technologies in addition to traditional visual bridge inspection approaches. Achieving these objectives requires close collaboration with State transportation departments, academia, and industry. The LTBP Program is designed to collect critical performance data that are not available elsewhere and merge them with data gathered from available sources.
The LTBP InfoBridge web portal is a centralized gateway providing efficient and quick access to bridge performance-related data and information. The portal includes multiple tools that facilitate bridge data analytics. It provides for storage, retrieval, dissemination, analysis, and visualization of data collected through State, National, and LTBP Program efforts to provide users with the ability to holistically assess bridge performance on a network or individual bridge basis.
LTBP InfoBridge provides a user-friendly web front-end that includes intuitive tools for finding, viewing, and analyzing bridge performance information. It gives users the ability to efficiently share data selections and summary reports. Our goal at FHWA is to make LTBP InfoBridge a comprehensive bridge performance portal enabling researchers to develop tools and products that will enhance understanding of the performance of Gateway to Bridge Performance Information highway bridge assets leading to more efficient design, construction, rehabilitation, maintenance, preservation, and management of those assets.
Source: LTBP InfoBridge Brochure (PDF 2pp)
Website: InfoBridge