Page values for "Glossary:Harmful algae bloom"

From Indian River Lagoon Project

"definition" values

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Term   harmful algae bloom
Abb   HAB
Definition   Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are the rapid growth of algae that can cause harm to animals, people, or the local ecology. A HAB can look like foam, scum, or mats on the surface of water and can be different colors. HABs can produce toxins that have caused a variety of illnesses in people and animals. HABs can occur in warm fresh, marine, or brackish waters with abundant nutrients and are becoming more frequent with climate change.
Type   noun
Sentence   Harmful algae blooms are caused by organisms called phytoplankton, some of which can produce toxins
Poster   Admin
Postdate   20200126213123
TermID   h