Info:NASA Causeway Indian River

From Indian River Lagoon Project
Revision as of 14:18, February 22, 2021 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Flow Factor)

NASA Causeway Indian River

NASA Causeway Indian River
NASA Causeway Indian River
Three mile long NASA Causeway connects SR405 in Titusville with Kennedy Space Center's NASA Parkway in Merritt Island, Florida. The causeway's 2,990ft bridge across the Indian River spans the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) channel with a 142ft divided, four-lane, double-leaf bascule drawbridge.
Waterway: North Indian River Road: SR405
City: Titusville County: Brevard
Type: Bascule Drawbridge Builder:McCormick and Sons
DOT: 703001 L: 2993' Built: 1964
Location: 28.5284,-80.76561

1964 NASA Parkway Causeway

SR405 NASA Causeway 1964

Built in 1964, the NASA Causeway Bridge across the Indian River has

  • reinforced concrete approaches
  • aluminum handrails
  • double-leaf bascule span
  • and an estimated 12,940 feet of earthen berm causeway.

NASA Causeway's concrete bridge approaches are 1,460 x 28 feet long and the draw span is 142.75 x 28 feet.

The drawbridge provides an estimated 105ft of clearance to vessels in the ICW Channel when the span is opened.

The bridge has a three-story concrete control house that is 14.33 x 12.75 feet. The control house is capped by a metal and glass control room with a flat roof and walls that flare out from bottom to top.

Flow Factor

SR405 NASA Causeway 2021

Our "Flow Factor" variable is an unscientific estimate of water flow constriction using Google Map Measurements.

Bridge Length / Lagoon Width = Flow Factor

2,900ft Bridge Length / 15,840ft Lagoon Width = 18.3% Flow Factor

18.3% of the lagoon's width is spanned by the bridge and not impeded by the earthen berm causeway.

NASA Causeway impedes the Indian River's water flow for an estimated 12,940ft (2.45 miles) or 81.7% of the lagoon's three mile width.

Bridge Length
Lagoon Width

National Bridge Inventory Data

NASA Parkway Causeway (SR405) spans the Indian River with two draw span bridges, NBI #703001 & 703002.

Number Road Structure Location Water
703001 SR405 Main Span Westbound Titusville Indian River
National Bridge Data
Number 703001
Route SR405
Place Titusville
County Brevard
Latitude 28313884
Longitude 80454983
Service On Roadway Highway
Service Under Roadway Waterway
Owner NASA
Built 1964
Lanes 2
Lane Direction 2 way
Direction Westbound
Traffic 6700
Traffic Year 2016
Future Traffic
Future Traffic Year
Length 912m
Width 10m
Kind Steel
Type Movable - Bascule
Deck Type Concrete Cast-in-Place
Inspection Date (mm-yy) 08-17
Deck Satisfactory
Superstructure Fair
Substructure Fair
Channel Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.
Scour Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour condition. Scour is determined to be within the limits of footing or piles (Example B) by assessment (i.e.,bridge foundations are on rock formations that have been determined to resist scour within the service life of the bridge), by calculations or by installation of properly designed countermeasures
Number Road Structure Location Water
703002 SR405 Main Span Eastbound Titusville Indian River
National Bridge Data
Number 703002
Route SR405
Place Titusville
County Brevard
Latitude 28313826
Longitude 80454983
Service On Roadway Highway
Service Under Roadway Waterway
Owner NASA
Built 1964
Lanes 2
Lane Direction 2 way
Direction Westbound
Traffic 6500
Traffic Year 2016
Future Traffic
Future Traffic Year
Length 912m
Width 10m
Kind Steel
Type Movable - Bascule
Deck Type Concrete Cast-in-Place
Inspection Date (mm-yy) 08-17
Deck Satisfactory
Superstructure Fair
Substructure Fair
Channel Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.
Scour Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour condition. Scour is determined to be within the limits of footing or piles (Example B) by assessment (i.e.,bridge foundations are on rock formations that have been determined to resist scour within the service life of the bridge), by calculations or by installation of properly designed countermeasures