Meta Tag:Indian River Lagoon Overview

From Indian River Lagoon Project

Page Name Indian River Lagoon Overview
TagID 1716
Metagen opengraph
Meta Title Indian River Lagoon Overview - Indian River Lagoon Encyclopedia
Title_mode Replace
Keywords Smith Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Overview Article
Description The Indian River Lagoon’s rich history, unique geographical location, high diversity of species, and economic value contribute to it's National Estuary Program designation as one of the most biologically diverse watersheds in existence.
Published_time 2019-12-28
Section Reference
Robots Index, Follow
Type article
Image_width 640
Image_height 480
Image_alt Indian River Lagoon Overview
Locale en_US
Site_name Indian River Lagoon Project
Author Keri Smith
Poster Admin
Posted 20200107144918