Event:Baffling Baffle Boxes! 2021-12-16

From Indian River Lagoon Project
Baffling Baffle Boxes!
A virtual tour of the Sherwood Park Stormwater Project to explore how runoff pollution can be filtered through rain gardens, retention ponds, and baffle boxes before draining into the Indian River lagoon.
Speaker: Dani Straub
Contact: Bri Forte
Email: bri@mrcirl.org
What: Virtual Field Trip
When: December 16, 2021 9:00 am
Where: Online Event
Cause: Educational
Region: Brevard County
Water Body: North Indian River
What happens to all the water that drains off our roofs, lawns, and streets? Where does it go? How does it affect our health and the water quality of the Lagoon so many enjoy? What is being done to help clean it before it enters our waterways? To find out, join the Marine Resources Council (MRC) and the City of Melbourne ECO Division on December 16, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. for a baffling virtual field trip supported by Lagoon Loyal!

Our special guest, Dani Straub, will be giving a tour of the Sherwood Park Stormwater Project to give us an awesome look into how runoff pollution can be filtered through rain gardens, retention ponds, and baffle boxes before draining into the Indian River Lagoon. This is the 50th project of the Save Our Indian River Lagoon (SOIRL) restoration program. Join us for an eye-opening event to get a closer look at how the City along with other partners are working to reduce litter and chemicals from entering our waterways.

This 60-minute virtual field trip is geared toward youth grades 4th and up, but is open to all ages. Participants will have the chance to ask questions through the Q&A box that will be answered toward the end of the presentation. Participants are also encouraged to email questions to the MRC’s Programs Coordinator, Bri Forte, at [Field Trip|bri@mrcirl.org] by December 15.

Please register here for the free event and the Zoom link and login information will be in your confirmation email. The field trip presentation will be streamed live and available to watch through the MRC’s Facebook page. If you are experiencing technical difficulties or need to leave early, the program will be recorded and posted to the MRC’s YouTube channel a few days after the event.

Meet Our Guest Speaker!

Dani Straub has worked with the City of Melbourne for the last 16 years. She is currently the City’s Engineering Project Manager and is the person that came up with the idea for the stormwater system featured in the next virtual field trip, “Baffling Baffle Boxes”. When she is not at work using her engineering degree, she is a busy mom chauffeuring two hockey-playing children around the state. For rest and relaxation, Dani watches her favorite hockey team, the Washington Capitals.