Template:Meta Tag/doc

From Indian River Lagoon Project
Revision as of 09:20, January 9, 2020 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Description== This template adds SEO metadata to the page it is added on. These metadata fields are read by search engines and other web crawlers.. It uses the mw:Extensi...")
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This template adds SEO metadata to the page it is added on. These metadata fields are read by search engines and other web crawlers.. It uses the WikiSEO MediaWiki extension to work.

Pages using this template are added to Category:Meta_Tag.


|keywords                 = 
|description              = 
|image                    = 

|og-type                  = 
|og-image                 = 
|og-site_name             = 
|og-locale                = 

|article-author           = 
|article-publisher        = 
|article-tag              = 
|article-section          = 

|fb-admins                = 
|fb-app_id                = 

|twitter-card             = 
|twitter-site             = 
|twitter-domain           = 
|twitter-creator          = 
|twitter-image-src        = 
|twitter-description      = 

|title                    = 
|titlemode                = 
|titleseparator           = 
|google-site-verification = 

Important parameters

  • keywords - Add search engine keywords here, separated by commas. Example: the sims, sims, wiki
  • description - The meta description for the page. Keep it short, concise, and effective. In articles, including the first few lines of the lede often makes for a good description. Defaults to The Sims Wiki is a website about The Sims that anyone can contribute to. Content includes The Sims, The Sims 2, The Sims 3, The Sims 4, and more. if left blank.
  • image - The name of the main image of the page, usually the one that best describes the subject. Do not include the "File:" prefix (so for a file like File:Bella Goth.png, type Bella Goth.png. If left blank, defaults to the wiki's logo.

Optional parameters

Unless you know what you're doing, it's best to leave these parameters alone.

  • title - Changes the <title></title> HTML attribute. This will change the name of the tab, but not the name of the article. Leave blank in most cases.
  • titlemode - Choose between append, prepend, or replace (default). Leave blank unless you know what you're doing.
  • google-site-verification - Only needed for Google Webmaster Tools. Don't use if you don't know what this is for.

Open Graph protocol

  • og-type - Changes the Open Graph type of the object. If left blank, defaults to website.
  • og-image - The image to use for the Open Graph protocol. If blank, defaults to whatever is specified in image, else defaults to the wiki's logo.
  • og-site_name - The name of the larger web site the object belongs to. Defaults to The Sims Wiki.
  • og-locale - The locale of the object, in the format language_TERRITORY. Defaults to en_US.

Open Graph type "article"

  • article-author
  • article-publisher
  • article-tag
  • article-section

Facebook Insights

  • fb-admins
  • fb-app_id

Twitter Cards

  • twitter-card - Defaults to summary. Best to leave it blank.
  • twitter-site - The username of the associated Twitter account. Defaults to @thesimswiki.
  • twitter-domain - The name of the website. Technically deprecated. Defaults to The Sims Wiki.
  • twitter-creator - The username of the creator of the content.
  • twitter-image-src - The image to use for Twitter Cards and link embeds. If blank, defaults to whatever is specified in image, else defaults to the wiki's logo.
  • twitter-description - The meta description of the page. Defaults to whatever is specified in description, otherwise defaults to The Sims Wiki is a website about The Sims that anyone can contribute to. Content includes The Sims, The Sims 2, The Sims 3, The Sims 4, and more.