Category:Indian River Tributaries

From Indian River Lagoon Project
Revision as of 06:25, May 21, 2021 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Saltwater inlets, and freshwater rivers, creeks and canal tributaries that form the brackish waters of the 121 mile long Indian River lagoon.

Site Note:

*Normally a river's course is described in the direction of it's current flow. The Indian River Estuary doesn't have a directional flow, so this website will always describe it's Water Bodies in a north to south direction.
*Lagoons do not have a directional current and some water bodies (tidal marshes, canals and inlets) flow in both directions, so these water bodies are not technically tributaries. However, for this website's purposes, all connecting water bodies regardless of current, may be referred to as tributaries.
*This category contains "Info:" pages that display Info Boxes with limited data about the subject. Some "Info" pages also contain additional text, images, or videos when available.