Snowy Egret

From Indian River Lagoon Project
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Snowy Egret in Indian River Lagoon


The Snowy Egret is a medium-sized heron with a delicate build. Adult egrets generally measure between 56 to 66 cm and have a wingspan of approximately 100 cm. Egrets average 370 g in weight and the males tend to be slightly larger than the females.[1]

Snowy Egrets have entirely white plumage, a long, slender black bill, bright yellow lores, and long, slender black legs with bright yellow feet. Eyes are yellow. Breeding adults develop long, delicate plumes off their breast and are also characterized by their change in foot color, from yellow to orange.

There are no overall differences in appearance between breeding populations, however, populations studied in North America and Central America are found to have a larger bill than egrets of South America. (Chandler, 1997; Howell and Webb, 1995; Parsons and Master, 2000)


The Snowy Egret (Egretta thula) is found throughout North, Central, and South America as well as the Caribbean. It breeds in coastal and inland wetlands, but its range limits have changed over time due to the effects of hunting and habitat loss. Small breeding populations are located in Nova Scotia, Canada, and more heavily populated locations are found across the United States.

The Snowy Egret is common among northern Nevada, Utah, and southeastern states, especially Florida and states bordering the Gulf of Mexico. This egret is most prevalent throughout Mexico, Central America, and South America.

Egretta thula is a partially migratory species, as it relocates from its northern habitats of the United States and Canada to its winter ranges located in Mexico, Central America, South America, the West Indies, and Bermuda. Snowy Egrets begin their northward migration in early March and depart in September to migrate to their wintering areas. (Parsons and Master, 2000)


Snowy Egrets generally prefer an environment of shallow water inlets for feeding purposes. Salt-marsh pools, tidal channels, shallow bays, and mangroves are among the most preferred habitats in North America. Habitats are most common among coastal areas and islands due to the availability of stable and abundant food sources.

During the winter months, egrets migrate to the Caribbean to nest and roost in the mangroves. The Caribbean is home to other favorable egret habitats including salt-water lagoons, freshwater swamps, grassy ponds, beaches, shallow reef areas, flooded rice fields, and wet grassy meadows.

Throughout Central America, Snowy Egrets prefer mainly lowland areas near freshwater swamps, lakes, and large river mouths. South American species also prefer coastal mangroves, mudflats, and swamps rather than highland areas. (Howell and Webb, 1995; Parsons and Master, 2000)


Female egrets generally lay 3-6 eggs and both parents incubate the eggs for approximately 22-25 days. Once the eggs are fully hatched, the adults remove the eggshells from the nest The young nestling is a grayish color with a dark blue area around the eyes and a pale, pinkish gray bill.

The hatchlings are covered in white down except for their wings. Pinfeathers appear by the first week. Juvenal feathers emerge on the body and wings by 2 to 3 weeks of age. Leg color varies from yellow to black. The hatchlings have a yellow colored bill tipped with black until five weeks of age, when the entire bill changes to black.

Both parents brood their semialtricial young for the first 10 days. After 10 days, only one parent remains in the nest for 50% of the time. This generally lasts until the nestlings become 14 days old. The nestlings leave the nest after two weeks, but some may leave the nest as early as 10 days (Howell 1995; Parsons 2000).


Breeding begins in late March or early April when the male egrets perform flight displays and sound vocalizations to attract female mates. The most common courtship display is the "Stretch" display, in which the male pumps his body up and down with his bill pointed towards the sky. The male then produces a call to attract females. The changing foot color from yellow to reddish orange indicates the beginning of breeding behaviors. Breeding adults are also characterized by the distinctive display of long, delicate plumes off their breasts. Once a male finds a mate, the pair performs sexual displays and eventually builds a nest for their offspring. (Parsons and Master, 2000; Robbins, 1966; Parsons and Master, 2000; Robbins, 1966)

The male and female pair-bond is maintained through a series of sexual displays. Breeding begins in March or early April. Female egrets usually build nests in the territories defended by the males. Nests are often built in isolated, estuarine habitats and can be located either on the ground or as high as 30 feet in the trees. The nests are composed of woven twigs and small sticks that female egrets collect from the ground or steal from other nests. Egretta thula may also reuse old nests. These egrets are highly social nesters and build nests close to other egrets or herons. No preliminary rituals are performed prior to copulation, which takes place in the nest. Males stand on the backs of females and cloacal cavities come into contact during copulation to fertilize the eggs. The average duration of contact is 10 seconds. Females lay 3-6 eggs at a time (on average); eggs have a pale, greenish blue color. Incubation lasts 24 days on average and the chicks usually fledge 14 days after hatching. Young reach reproductive maturity after 1 to 2 years. (Bowles, 1991; Parsons and Master, 2000)

Both parents incubate the eggs and feed the nestlings by dropping food into the nest. Once the eggs hatch, parents remove the eggshells from the nest. Both parents brood their altricial young continuously until the hatchlings are 10 days old. From 10 to 14 days, only one parent is present in the nest to brood the young. After 10 days, parents are only in the nest 50% of the time. However, when storms occur, the young are brooded continuously. During the first five days after hatching, parents feed their young by regurgitating food onto the nest floor for the hatchlings to eat. Sometimes the parents' bill is placed directly into the hatchlings' mouth and food is regurgitated. The younger nestlings are fed before the older hatchlings. Adults keep the nest clean by dumping waste over the sides of the nest. (Parsons and Master, 2000)


The Snowy Egret has a 71.6% mortality rate during its first year and a 31.4% mortality rate during years 2 to 17. Snowy egrets generally live between 2 and 17 years, the oldest was recorded in Utah and lived 22 years, 10 months. (Chandler, 1997)

Snowy Egrets are subject to nematode parasitism, which causes death. Starvation and inclement weather are likely causes of death for young nestlings. ( Parsons and Master, 2000)


The Snowy Egret walks upright with its wings held close to its body. This upright posture is ideal for foraging because it allows the egret to make quick directional changes to catch its prey.

Snowy egrets are most active when foraging at dawn and dusk. They spend most of the day resting and engaged in self-maintenance behaviors that include grooming their wings, head-scratching to remove insects on their body, and bathing. Males keep busy protecting their nesting territory.

The Snowy Egret is a highly social bird that engages in group foraging with other aquatic bird species. Group interaction with other bird species is also common in nesting territories.

Snowy egrets avoid predators such as owls, hawks, poisonous snakes, and raccoons. (Parsons and Master, 2000; Robbins, 1966)


Snowy Egret in Martin County by Andrea Westmoreland.
Snowy Egret on Deck by Andrea Westmoreland.
Snowy Egret in Flight by Andrea Westmoreland
Snowy Egret - by - Andrea Westmoreland.

See Also




  1. Weslosky, A. 2002. "Egretta thula" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed September 24, 2020 at

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