Dr. Leesa Souto, Marine Resources Council executive director, presented the MRC's 2020 IRL Health Update Report Card #3 via webinar on December 8, 2020.
The 2020 Indian River Lagoon Health Report Card is a visual representation of the lagoon’s condition through the data collected as part of the state’s monitoring program to determine if state regulatory standards are being met. Bottom line is, we need to do more.
The 2020 IRL Report Card includes:
137,202 agency data including 25 years of seagrass and 23 years of water quality data
10 lagoon regions and 12 tributaries covering from Ponce Inlet to Jupiter Inlet
Scored and color-coded tables and maps to easily see changes over time and space
The report card represents the successful outcome of a public-private partnership between MRC and Applied Ecology Inc. (AEI) who have worked closely since 2015 to create an understandable translation of water quality and seagrass data. The report has successfully been used to guide scientific investigation, raise awareness, inspire advocacy, and inform policy-makers.