Category:Florida News

From Indian River Lagoon Project
Revision as of 14:33, January 24, 2020 by Admin (talk | contribs)

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Florida IRL News Headlines

Half Off Florida State Park Passes and FWC Licenses
Half Off Florida State Park Passes and FWC Licenses
10/18/2023 - Tallahassee, Florida - Gov. DeSantis announces 50% discounts from October 14, 2023 through January 13, 2024 on Florida State Park passes and FWC Hunting and Fishing licenses.
Environmental Leaders Applaud Governor Ron DeSantis
Environmental Leaders Applaud Governor Ron DeSantis
06/03/2023 - Tallahassee, Florida - Florida Environmental Leaders Applaud Governor Ron DeSantis Signing Legislation to Protect Florida’s Water Resources and Support Conservation Efforts.
Florida Senate Passes SB1632 Environmental Protection
Florida Senate Passes SB1632 Environmental Protection
05/13/2023 - Tallahassee, Florida - The 2023 Florida Senate has passed SB1632 to strengthen Basin Management Action Plans (BMAP) and fund Indian River Lagoon restoration projects.

Florida IRL News

Title Posted Water Body Region
Title Posted Water Body Region
St Johns River Water Management District Governing Board Meeting December 2020 12/19/2020 Estuary Florida
DEP Launches New Green Stormwater Infrastructure Website 12/18/2021 Florida
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ Freedom First Budget to Promote Natural Resource Restoration 12/09/2021 Florida
FWC Fishing in the Know December 2020 12/07/2020 Other Florida
DEP Announces Free Admission to Florida State Parks on Veterans Day 11/06/2021 Florida
$1.7m Peroxide Algal Bloom Treatment Underway at Lake Minneola 11/05/2020 Other Florida
Fall Lawn Watering Restrictions in Effect 11/03/2020 Estuary Florida
Fishing in the Know - November 2020 11/03/2020 Florida
Fishing in the Know - November 2020 11/03/2020 Florida
Fishing in the Know - November 2020 11/03/2020 Florida
Make a difference for manatees this November 10/28/2020 Florida
Six Endangered Sawfish Found Dead 10/22/2020 Florida
Army Corps Approves Okeechobee Plan Deviation 10/21/2020 St. Lucie River Florida
Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Preparation for Algal Bloom Mitigation 10/20/2020 Estuary Florida
Half Off Florida State Park Passes and FWC Licenses 10/18/2023 Florida
Governor DeSantis Appoints SJRWMD Board Members 10/16/2020 Estuary Florida
SJRWMD Amends BlueGreen Algicide Contract to Include All Florida Waterways 06/25/2021 Florida
Environmental Leaders Applaud Governor Ron DeSantis 06/03/2023 Florida
Florida Senate Passes SB1632 Environmental Protection 05/13/2023 Florida
Pharmaceuticals Found in Florida Redfish 04/08/2023 Florida
Florida Gopher Tortoise Awareness Day on April 10th 03/30/2020 Florida
Florida State Parks Closed 03/23/2020 Florida
Florida State Parks and Coastal Facility Updates 03/17/2020 Florida
FWC Continues to Monitor Avian Influenza Across Florida 03/05/2023 Florida
It’s bat time again: Check your home before maternity season 02/16/2020 Florida
EPA Announces $97,527,000 for Infrastructure Projects to Protect Surface Water and Drinking Water in Florida 02/14/2020 Florida
Partners work together to tackle water quality in Indian River Lagoon 02/04/2023 North Indian River Florida
Ron DeSantis-backed bill to increase sewage spill fines passes first committee 01/29/2020 Florida
Florida lawmakers advance fight against blue-green algae 01/27/2020 Estuary Florida
Snook slated to reopen in Atlantic state waters Feb. 1 01/22/2020 Estuary Florida
Spotted seatrout: new zones, regulations, and Western Panhandle seasonal closure effective Feb. 1 01/22/2020 Estuary Florida
DEP Secretary Valenstein and Chief Science Officer Dr. Frazer Issue Statements on the State of the State 2020 01/16/2020 Estuary Florida

Pages in category "Florida News"

The following 30 pages are in this category, out of 30 total.