IRLNews:Space Coast Wildlife Birding Festival Ends: Difference between revisions

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|Text_Body=This is exceedingly difficult news to share, but after thoughtful deliberation by the BNA Board of Directors, the time has come to do so.
After two years of not having the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival, the Board of Directors had ample discussions sharing perspectives and opinions regarding the future of the festival and the BNA. On March 2nd, 2022, the BNA Board of Directors voted unanimously to discontinue the festival and dissolve the 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation effective April 30, 2022.
There are several reasons for this decision, but it narrows down to:
Financial consequences of not having the festival the last two years which normally constitutes almost 95% of the BNA’s annual income;
The dramatic changes we are seeing in bird migration patterns and changes in habitat resulting in a decline of birds and wildlife to be seen;
Declining registration numbers from our loyal festival attendees who became a part of the demographic hesitant to travel during the times of covid and with the uncertainty of what the near future holds;
On behalf of the BNA Board of Directors, we want to say thank you with our sincerest gratitude to everyone who has been a part of the success that the organization and festival have enjoyed for 25 years.
We will be reaching out to sponsors and exhibitors who provided financial support for 2023 festival and/or of the BNA organization to see how you wish to direct the return of funds if requested. It will also be a chance to say thank you personally.

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Revision as of 08:53, March 9, 2022

Space Coast Wildlife Birding Festival Ends
March 3, 2022
Titusville - This is exceedingly difficult news to share, but after thoughtful deliberation by the BNA Board of Directors, the time has come to do so.

After two years of not having the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival, the Board of Directors had ample discussions sharing perspectives and opinions regarding the future of the festival and the BNA. On March 2nd, 2022, the BNA Board of Directors voted unanimously to discontinue the festival and dissolve the 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation effective April 30, 2022. There are several reasons for this decision, but it narrows down to: Financial consequences of not having the festival the last two years which normally constitutes almost 95% of the BNA’s annual income; The dramatic changes we are seeing in bird migration patterns and changes in habitat resulting in a decline of birds and wildlife to be seen; Declining registration numbers from our loyal festival attendees who became a part of the demographic hesitant to travel during the times of covid and with the uncertainty of what the near future holds; On behalf of the BNA Board of Directors, we want to say thank you with our sincerest gratitude to everyone who has been a part of the success that the organization and festival have enjoyed for 25 years. We will be reaching out to sponsors and exhibitors who provided financial support for 2023 festival and/or of the BNA organization to see how you wish to direct the return of funds if requested. It will also be a chance to say thank you personally.

Location: Estuary: Titusville: Brevard County
Source: Facebook post from Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival.. Published by Brevard Nature Alliance on March 03, 2022.
Topic: Bird Watching
Poster: AdminPosted: 03/09/2022
Indian River Lagoon News - Space Coast Wildlife Birding Festival Ends
On March 2nd, 2022, the Brevard Nature Alliance Board of Directors voted to discontinue the Space Coast Wildlife Festival and dissolve the non-profit corporation effective April 30, 2022.