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==Indian River Lagoon News Headlines for 2020==
==Indian River Lagoon News Headlines for 2020==
2020 Indian River Lagoon Headlines from [[:Category:News|IRL News]]
2020 News Headlines and Op-Ed articles from [[:Category:News|Indian River Lagoon News]]
* Original news stories and editorial articles authored by IRLNews Staff.
* Links to print and broadcast news headlines
* Links to print and broadcast news headlines
* Press releases from government and environmental organizations
* Press releases from government and environmental organizations
* Opinion and news articles written by guest authors
* Opinion (Op-Ed) and news articles contributed by guest authors
* Editorial and news articles written by IRLNews
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==2020 Indian River Lagoon News Stories==
==2020 Indian River Lagoon News Stories==
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Revision as of 07:43, December 18, 2021

Indian River Lagoon News Headlines for 2020

2020 News Headlines and Op-Ed articles from Indian River Lagoon News

  • Original news stories and editorial articles authored by IRLNews Staff.
  • Links to print and broadcast news headlines
  • Press releases from government and environmental organizations
  • Opinion (Op-Ed) and news articles contributed by guest authors

2020 Indian River Lagoon News Headlines

Toggle columns: Region - Location - Water Body
Headline Date Region Water Body Location
Headline Date Region Water Body Location
St Johns River Water Management District Governing Board Meeting December 2020 12/19/2020 Florida Estuary Palatka
December 2020 Indian River Lagoon Water Quality Update by Chuck Jacoby 12/19/2020 Brevard County Estuary North Indian and Banana Rivers
Indian River Lagoon 2020 Health Update 12/13/2020 Florida East Coast Estuary Palm Bay
FWC Fishing in the Know December 2020 12/07/2020 Florida Other Tallahassee
Indian River Lagoon Board of Directors Meeting 2020-11-06 11/06/2020 Florida East Coast Estuary Sebastian
$1.7m Peroxide Algal Bloom Treatment Underway at Lake Minneola 11/05/2020 Florida Other Palatka
Fall Lawn Watering Restrictions in Effect 11/03/2020 Florida Estuary Tallahassee
Fishing in the Know - November 2020 11/03/2020 Florida Saltwater Fishery
Fishing in the Know - November 2020 11/03/2020 Florida Saltwater Fishery
Fishing in the Know - November 2020 11/03/2020 Florida Saltwater Fishery
Make a difference for manatees this November 10/28/2020 Florida Tallahassee
Six Endangered Sawfish Found Dead 10/22/2020 Florida Everglades City
Lake Okeechobee Discharge to St Lucie Estuary Timeline 10/21/2020 Saint Lucie County St Lucie River Port Mayaca Lock
Israeli Firm Aims to Keep Lake Okeechobee Algae Out of St Lucie River 10/21/2020 Saint Lucie County St Lucie River Port Mayaca Lock
Army Corps Approves Okeechobee Plan Deviation 10/21/2020 Florida St. Lucie River Lake Okeechobee
Spotted seatrout central east zone seasonal closure starts Nov. 1 10/20/2020 Florida East Coast Tallahassee
Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Preparation for Algal Bloom Mitigation 10/20/2020 Florida Estuary Tallahassee
Governor DeSantis Appoints SJRWMD Board Members 10/16/2020 Florida Estuary Tallahasee, FL
Marine Resources Council IRL Report Card Webinar 09/27/2020 Brevard County Estuary Palm Bay
Florida DEP Proposes New Nitrogen and Phosphorus Allocations for IRL 09/23/2020 Florida East Coast Estuary Indian River Lagoon
Indian River Lagoon 2020 Water Quality Update 09/20/2020 Florida East Coast Estuary Webinar
Indian River lagoon is pea-soup green, raising fears of another 'bloom of doom' 09/15/2020 Brevard County Estuary Cocoa
Lagoon Faces Weather Conditions That Could Lead to Potential Fish Kills 09/14/2020 Brevard County Estuary Viera
Cocoa Beach Limits Beach Activities 04/02/2020 Brevard County Atlantic Ocean Cocoa Beach
Brevard County Commission Moves to Close County to Non-Residents 04/02/2020 Brevard County Viera
Florida Gopher Tortoise Awareness Day on April 10th 03/30/2020 Florida Tallahassee
Brevard County Reverses Beach Closure Decision 03/27/2020 Brevard County Atlantic Ocean Beachside
Brevard County Beaches Closed Mid-Day This Weekend 03/26/2020 Brevard County Atlantic Ocean Beachside
Keep Brevard's Boat Ramps Open 03/24/2020 Brevard County Estuary Indian River Lagoon
Florida State Parks Closed 03/23/2020 Florida Tallahassee
St Lucie County Beaches Closed 03/22/2020 Saint Lucie County Atlantic Ocean Hutchinson Island
Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge Update 03/19/2020 Brevard County Mosquito Lagoon MINWR
Canaveral National Seashore is Closing Due to COVID19 03/19/2020 Florida East Coast Atlantic Ocean Brevard and Volusia County
Brevard County Closes All Beachside Parking 03/18/2020 Brevard County Atlantic Ocean Beachside
Florida State Parks and Coastal Facility Updates 03/17/2020 Florida Tallahassee
It’s bat time again: Check your home before maternity season 02/16/2020 Florida Tallahassee
EPA Announces $97,527,000 for Infrastructure Projects to Protect Surface Water and Drinking Water in Florida 02/14/2020 Florida Tallahassee
Indian River County to build nutrient removal facility to protect lagoon 02/11/2020 Indian River County Indian River North Relief Canal
A new inlet will not save the lagoon 02/06/2020 Brevard County Indian River Patrick Air Force Base
Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge Trash Bash Clean Up 02/03/2020 Brevard County Mosquito Lagoon Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge
Indian River Lagoon Repository 02/01/2020 Florida East Coast Estuary Melbourne
Ron DeSantis-backed bill to increase sewage spill fines passes first committee 01/29/2020 Florida Tallahassee
Rep. Brian Mast speaks about Lake Okeechobee water releases and management 01/27/2020 Florida East Coast Stuart
Florida lawmakers advance fight against blue-green algae 01/27/2020 Florida Estuary Tallahassee
Harbor Branch Institute to Host 2020 Ferrara Ocean Science Lecture Series 01/22/2020 Saint Lucie County Estuary Fort Pierce
Snook slated to reopen in Atlantic state waters Feb. 1 01/22/2020 Florida Estuary Atlantic Coast
Spotted seatrout: new zones, regulations, and Western Panhandle seasonal closure effective Feb. 1 01/22/2020 Florida Estuary Tallahassee
Mangroves Cut in Volusia's Wilbur-By-The-Sea 01/21/2020 Volusia County Estuary Wilbur-By-The-Sea, FL
DEP Secretary Valenstein and Chief Science Officer Dr. Frazer Issue Statements on the State of the State 2020 01/16/2020 Florida Estuary Tallahassee
SOIRL-Citizen Oversight Committee-2020-01-17 01/16/2020 Brevard County Estuary Viera
Brevard Coalition Hosts Lagoon Straight Talk at Satellite High School 01/15/2020 Brevard County Estuary Satellite High School
Indian River Lagoon News 01/14/2020 Brevard County Estuary Melbourne

Pages in category "News 2020"

The following 50 pages are in this category, out of 50 total.