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From Indian River Lagoon Project
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|FDOT=890151, 890152
|Description=The Roosevelt Bridge is a major highway segmental bridge across the St. Lucie River in Stuart, Florida. Carrying U.S. Route 1, it was built to supersede the old Roosevelt Bridge, which had twin parallel drawbridges, one for northbound traffic and the other for southbound.
|Description=The Roosevelt Bridge is a major highway segmental bridge across the St. Lucie River in Stuart, Florida. Carrying U.S. Route 1, it was built to supersede the old Roosevelt Bridge, which had twin parallel drawbridges, one for northbound traffic and the other for southbound.
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Revision as of 15:35, November 18, 2020

Roosevelt Bridge

Roosevelt Bridge
Roosevelt Bridge
The Roosevelt Bridge is a major highway segmental bridge across the St. Lucie River in Stuart, Florida. Carrying U.S. Route 1, it was built to supersede the old Roosevelt Bridge, which had twin parallel drawbridges, one for northbound traffic and the other for southbound.
Waterway: Saint Lucie River Road: US1
City: Stuart County: Martin
Type: Segmental Span Builder:Finley
DOT: 890151, 890152 L: 2982.8' H: 62.3' Built: 1996
Location: 27.20672, -80.25854

Web Links

Bridge Report

National Bridge Data
Number 890151
Route 00001
Place Stuart
County Martin
Features 'St. Lucie River/SR-707 '
Facility 'SB US-1/SR-5 '
Location '1mi S of SR-707 on SR-5 '
Latitude 27121800
Longitude 80153156
Service On Roadway Highway - Pedestrian
Service Under Roadway Highway-waterway-railroad
Owner FDOT
Built 1997
Lanes 3
Lane Direction 1 way
Traffic 29914
Traffic Year 2016
Future Traffic 51900
Future Traffic Year 2038
Length 1368m
Width 19m
Kind Prestressed concrete continuous
Type Segmental box girder
Deck Type Concrete Cast-in-Place
Inspection Date (mm-yy) 06-16
Deck Good
Superstructure Good
Substructure Good
Channel Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.
Culvert N/A
Scour Bridge foundations determined to be stable for the assessed or calculated scour condition. Scour is determined to be above top of footing (Example A) by assessment (i.e., bridge foundations are on rock formations that have been determined to resist scour within the service life of the bridge4), by calculation or by installation of properly designed countermeasures

National Bridge Data
Number 890152
Route 00001
Place Stuart
County Martin
Features 'St Lucie River / SR-707 '
Facility 'NB US-1 / SR-5 '
Location '1mi S of SR-707 on SR-5 '
Latitude 27120317
Longitude 80152627
Service On Roadway Highway - Pedestrian
Service Under Roadway Highway-waterway-railroad
Owner FDOT
Built 1997
Lanes 3
Lane Direction 1 way
Traffic 29914
Traffic Year 2016
Future Traffic 51900
Future Traffic Year 2038
Length 1391m
Width 19m
Kind Prestressed concrete continuous
Type Segmental box girder
Deck Type Concrete Cast-in-Place
Inspection Date (mm-yy) 06-16
Deck N/A
Superstructure Good
Substructure Satisfactory
Channel N/A
Culvert N/A
Scour Bridge foundations determined to be stable for the assessed or calculated scour condition. Scour is determined to be above top of footing (Example A) by assessment (i.e., bridge foundations are on rock formations that have been determined to resist scour within the service life of the bridge4), by calculation or by installation of properly designed countermeasures