Form:Definition: Difference between revisions

From Indian River Lagoon Project
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{| class="wikitable"
! * Term:
| {{{field|Term|default={{lc: {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|placeholder=Enter a term}}}
! * Word Class Type:
| {{{field|Type|input type=dropdown|values=noun,verb,adjective,adverb,pronoun|default=noun|mandatory}}}
! Pronunciation:
| {{{field|Pronunciation|placeholder=Enter the pronunciation.}}}
! Audio File Name (.mp3):
| {{{field|AudioFile|size=40|default filename=glossary_{{lcfirst: {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}.mp3|placeholder=Upload audio pronunciation mp3. Enter File Name.}}}
! * Definition:
| {{{field|Definition|input type=textarea|rows=6|cols=60|mandatory|placeholder=Enter a definition}}}
! * Definition Source:
| {{{field|SourceURL|size=50|placeholder=Enter full url https://|mandatory}}}
! Example Sentence:
| {{{field|Sentence|input type=text|size=50|placeholder=Enter a relevant sentence.}}}
! Relevant Web Link:
| {{{field|RelatedURL|size=50|placeholder=Enter full url https://}}}
! Synonym:
| {{{field|Synonym|input type=text|size=50|placeholder=Enter similar words seperated by a comma.}}}
! Image:
| {{{field|ImageFile|input type=text|uploadable|image preview|size=36|maxlength=256|placeholder=Enter file name or upload image.}}}
! Abbreviation:
| {{{field|Abb|placeholder=Enter an abbreviation}}}
! Poster:
| {{{field|Poster|size=15|default=current user|restricted}}}
! Postdate:
| {{{field|Postdate|size=15|default={{LOCALTIMESTAMP}}|restricted}}}
! TermID:
| {{{field|TermID|input type=text|size=1|default={{#sub:{{SUBPAGENAME}}|0|1}}|restricted}}}

Revision as of 14:14, October 18, 2020

This is the "Definition" form. Enter a term to add it to the dictionary; If the term already exists, you will be sent to a form to edit that term.