Glossary:Abbreviations: Difference between revisions

From Indian River Lagoon Project
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==List of Abbreviations==
==List of Abbreviations==
|fields=CONCAT( '[[', _pageName, '|',Term,']]' ) =Term,Abb,Definition
|where=Abb <> ''
|order by=Term ASC
|format=dynamic table
|details fields=Definition
|more results text=

Revision as of 15:44, February 7, 2020

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About Abbreviations

Learning a whole new lingo comes along with the 100's of government (GOV), research (RES), academic institute (INST), and nonprofit organization (NPO) groups involved in the restoration and preservation of the Indian River Lagoon Estuary.

Definition of Abbreviation

Abbreviation: A shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase; as in Dr. for Doctor or U.S. for United States.

Acronym: A type of abbreviation that is a new pronounceable word formed by using the first letter of each word found in a phrase or name: as in YOLO for "you only live once" or NASA from National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Initialism: A type of acronym that uses a set of initials formed with the first letters of the words in a phrase or name with each letter pronounced separately; as in LOL for "laugh out loud" or IRL from Indian River Lagoon.

List of Abbreviations

Term Abb
Term Abb
Association of National Estuary Programs ANEP
Basin Management Action Plan BMAP
Citizen Oversight Committee COC
Clean Water Act CWA
Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan CCMP
Department of Interior DOI
Environmental Protection Agency EPA
Environmental Protection Agency EPA
Florida Atlantic University FAU
Florida Department of Environmental Protection DEP
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission FWC
Florida Institute of Technology FIT
harmful algae bloom HAB
Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program IRLNEP
Indian River Lagoon Observatory Network IRLON
Indian River Lagoon Observatory IRLO
Indian River Lagoon Research Institute IRLRI
Kennedy Space Center KSC
Land-Ocean Biogeochemical Observatory LOBO
Marine Resources Council MRC
Mosquito Lagoon Aquatic Preserve MLAP
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA
National Environmental Policy Act NEPA
National Estuarine Research Reserve System NERR
National Estuary Program NEP
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPDES
National Water Level Observation Network NWLON
National Wildlife Refuge NWR
onsite sewage treatment and disposal system OSTDS
reasonable assurance plan RAP
Save Our Indian River Lagoon SOIRL
Saint Johns River Water Management District SJRWMD
Surface Water Improvement and Management Act SWIM
System Wide Monitoring Program SWMP
total maximum daily load TMDL
United States Fish and Wildlife Service FWS

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