Category:News 2020: Difference between revisions

From Indian River Lagoon Project
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==2020 Indian River Estuary News Headlines==
|fields= _pageName, Title, SubTitle, Location, Water_Body, Region, Posted, Water_Body, Region, Description, Image
|where= DATE_FORMAT(Posted, '%Y') LIKE '2020'
|order by=Posted DESC
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<h2 style="text-align:center">Indian River Lagoon 2020 News Headlines</h2>
<h2 style="text-align:center">2020 Indian River Estuary Dynamic News Table</h2>
|fields= CONCAT( '[[',_pageName, '|',Title,']]' ) = Title, DATE_FORMAT(Posted, '%m/%d')=Posted, Region, Description
|fields= CONCAT( '[[',_pageName, '|',Title,']]' ) = Title, DATE_FORMAT(Posted, '%m/%d')=Posted, Region, Description, Water_Body, Location
|where= DATE_FORMAT(Posted, '%Y') LIKE '2020'
|where= DATE_FORMAT(Posted, '%Y') LIKE '2020'
|order by=Posted DESC
|order by=Posted DESC
|rows per page=5
|format=dynamic table
|format=dynamic table
|hidden fields= Location, Water Body,
|details fields=Description
|details fields=Description
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Revision as of 11:45, January 29, 2020

Template:IRL header news

2020 Indian River Estuary News Headlines

St Johns River Water Management District Governing Board Meeting December 2020
St Johns River Water Management District Governing Board Meeting December 2020
12/19/2020 - Palatka, Florida - A vote on the approval of $25 million in Indian River Lagoon project funds was dropped during the St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Governing Board meeting held on December 8, 2020.
December 2020 Indian River Lagoon Water Quality Update by Chuck Jacoby
December 2020 Indian River Lagoon Water Quality Update by Chuck Jacoby
12/19/2020 - North Indian and Banana Rivers, Brevard County - Dr. Chuck Jacoby, Chief Environmental Scientist, St. Johns River Water Management District, presented an Indian River Lagoon Water Quality Update to the Department of Environmental Protection IRL Basin Management Action Plan meeting on December 16, 2020.
Indian River Lagoon 2020 Health Update
Indian River Lagoon 2020 Health Update
12/13/2020 - Palm Bay, Florida East Coast - The Marine Resources Council studied 25 years of state water quality data collected in 10 Indian River Lagoon regions in order to present their 3rd IRL Health Update Report Card.
FWC Fishing in the Know December 2020
FWC Fishing in the Know December 2020
12/07/2020 - Tallahassee, Florida - ''"Fishing in the Know"'' is the FWC's monthly fishing newsletter. This issue includes the December Commission meeting agenda where changes to the Atlantic Coast flounder fishery will be discussed. Atlantic Snook fishery closes Dec 15, 2020.
Indian River Lagoon Board of Directors Meeting 2020-11-06
Indian River Lagoon Board of Directors Meeting 2020-11-06
11/06/2020 - Sebastian, Florida East Coast - The Indian River Lagoon Council Board of Directors met on November 6, 2020 in Sebastian, Florida. Presentations included water quality reports, Lagoon Saltwater Inflow Modeling, and the IRLNEP Executive Director's Year End Presentation from Dr. Duane De Freese.

2020 Indian River Estuary Dynamic News Table

Toggle columns: Location - Water Body
Title Posted Region Water Body Location
Title Posted Region Water Body Location
St Johns River Water Management District Governing Board Meeting December 2020 12/19 Florida Estuary Palatka
December 2020 Indian River Lagoon Water Quality Update by Chuck Jacoby 12/19 Brevard County Estuary North Indian and Banana Rivers
Indian River Lagoon 2020 Health Update 12/13 Florida East Coast Estuary Palm Bay
FWC Fishing in the Know December 2020 12/07 Florida Other Tallahassee
Indian River Lagoon Board of Directors Meeting 2020-11-06 11/06 Florida East Coast Estuary Sebastian
$1.7m Peroxide Algal Bloom Treatment Underway at Lake Minneola 11/05 Florida Other Palatka
Fall Lawn Watering Restrictions in Effect 11/03 Florida Estuary Tallahassee
Fishing in the Know - November 2020 11/03 Florida Saltwater Fishery
Fishing in the Know - November 2020 11/03 Florida Saltwater Fishery
Fishing in the Know - November 2020 11/03 Florida Saltwater Fishery
Make a difference for manatees this November 10/28 Florida Tallahassee
Six Endangered Sawfish Found Dead 10/22 Florida Everglades City
Army Corps Approves Okeechobee Plan Deviation 10/21 Florida St. Lucie River Lake Okeechobee
Israeli Firm Aims to Keep Lake Okeechobee Algae Out of St Lucie River 10/21 Saint Lucie County St Lucie River Port Mayaca Lock
Lake Okeechobee Discharge to St Lucie Estuary Timeline 10/21 Saint Lucie County St Lucie River Port Mayaca Lock
Spotted seatrout central east zone seasonal closure starts Nov. 1 10/20 Florida East Coast Tallahassee
Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Preparation for Algal Bloom Mitigation 10/20 Florida Estuary Tallahassee
Governor DeSantis Appoints SJRWMD Board Members 10/16 Florida Estuary Tallahasee, FL
Marine Resources Council IRL Report Card Webinar 09/27 Brevard County Estuary Palm Bay
Florida DEP Proposes New Nitrogen and Phosphorus Allocations for IRL 09/23 Florida East Coast Estuary Indian River Lagoon
Indian River Lagoon 2020 Water Quality Update 09/20 Florida East Coast Estuary Webinar
Indian River lagoon is pea-soup green, raising fears of another 'bloom of doom' 09/15 Brevard County Estuary Cocoa
Lagoon Faces Weather Conditions That Could Lead to Potential Fish Kills 09/14 Brevard County Estuary Viera
Cocoa Beach Limits Beach Activities 04/02 Brevard County Atlantic Ocean Cocoa Beach
Brevard County Commission Moves to Close County to Non-Residents 04/02 Brevard County Viera
Florida Gopher Tortoise Awareness Day on April 10th 03/30 Florida Tallahassee
Brevard County Reverses Beach Closure Decision 03/27 Brevard County Atlantic Ocean Beachside
Brevard County Beaches Closed Mid-Day This Weekend 03/26 Brevard County Atlantic Ocean Beachside
Keep Brevard's Boat Ramps Open 03/24 Brevard County Estuary Indian River Lagoon
Florida State Parks Closed 03/23 Florida Tallahassee
St Lucie County Beaches Closed 03/22 Saint Lucie County Atlantic Ocean Hutchinson Island
Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge Update 03/19 Brevard County Mosquito Lagoon MINWR
Canaveral National Seashore is Closing Due to COVID19 03/19 Florida East Coast Atlantic Ocean Brevard and Volusia County
Brevard County Closes All Beachside Parking 03/18 Brevard County Atlantic Ocean Beachside
Florida State Parks and Coastal Facility Updates 03/17 Florida Tallahassee
It’s bat time again: Check your home before maternity season 02/16 Florida Tallahassee
EPA Announces $97,527,000 for Infrastructure Projects to Protect Surface Water and Drinking Water in Florida 02/14 Florida Tallahassee
Indian River County to build nutrient removal facility to protect lagoon 02/11 Indian River County Indian River North Relief Canal
A new inlet will not save the lagoon 02/06 Brevard County Indian River Patrick Air Force Base
Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge Trash Bash Clean Up 02/03 Brevard County Mosquito Lagoon Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge
Indian River Lagoon Repository 02/01 Florida East Coast Estuary Melbourne
Ron DeSantis-backed bill to increase sewage spill fines passes first committee 01/29 Florida Tallahassee
Florida lawmakers advance fight against blue-green algae 01/27 Florida Estuary Tallahassee
Rep. Brian Mast speaks about Lake Okeechobee water releases and management 01/27 Florida East Coast Stuart
Snook slated to reopen in Atlantic state waters Feb. 1 01/22 Florida Estuary Atlantic Coast
Spotted seatrout: new zones, regulations, and Western Panhandle seasonal closure effective Feb. 1 01/22 Florida Estuary Tallahassee
Harbor Branch Institute to Host 2020 Ferrara Ocean Science Lecture Series 01/22 Saint Lucie County Estuary Fort Pierce
Mangroves Cut in Volusia's Wilbur-By-The-Sea 01/21 Volusia County Estuary Wilbur-By-The-Sea, FL
SOIRL-Citizen Oversight Committee-2020-01-17 01/16 Brevard County Estuary Viera
DEP Secretary Valenstein and Chief Science Officer Dr. Frazer Issue Statements on the State of the State 2020 01/16 Florida Estuary Tallahassee
Brevard Coalition Hosts Lagoon Straight Talk at Satellite High School 01/15 Brevard County Estuary Satellite High School
Indian River Lagoon News 01/14 Brevard County Estuary Melbourne

Pages in category "News 2020"

The following 50 pages are in this category, out of 50 total.