* [https://www.fit.edu/engineering-and-science/academics-and-learning/ocean-engineering-and-marine-sciences/ '''Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) Department of Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences'''] Dedicated to education, research and public outreach about the ocean, the Indian River Lagoon, and the environment in general.
* [https://www.fit.edu/engineering-and-science/academics-and-learning/ocean-engineering-and-marine-sciences/ '''Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) Department of Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences'''] Dedicated to education, research and public outreach about the ocean, the Indian River Lagoon, and the environment in general.
The '''[[Indian River Lagoon Library]]''' also includes a '''[[Reference Link Directory]]''' with links to cited reference materials and a '''[[Web Link Directory]]''' with links to fun, informative web sites.
This {{PAGENAME}} List contains abbreviations, acronyms and initialisms commonly used in the [[Main_Page|{{SITENAME}}]].
'''Abbreviation:''' A shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase; as in Dr. for Doctor or U.S. for United States.
'''Acronym:''' A type of abbreviation that is a new pronouncable word formed by using the first letter of each word found in a phrase or name: as in YOLO for "you only live once" or NASA from National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
'''Initialism:''' A type of acronym that uses a set of initials formed with the first letters of the words in a phrase or name with each letter pronounced separately; as in LOL for "laugh out loud" or IRL from Indian River Lagoon.
=={{SITENAME}} Abbreviations==
Learning a whole new lingo comes along with the 100's of government (GOV), research (RES), academic institute (INST), and nonprofit organization (NPO) groups involved in the restoration and preservation of the [[Indian River Lagoon Estuary]].
It would be helpful to get familiar with this list of abbreviations in order to know what a "USFWS NWR in the EPA's IRLNEP" is!
==List of IRL Abbreviations==
{| class="wikitable"
|Association of National Estuary Programs
|ANEP works with the National Estuary Program (NEP) to restore and protect estuaries of significant importance.
|Body of Water
|Used in the [https://indianriverlagoonnews.org/guide/book/index.php?title=Main_Page IRL Guide] to describe any type of water source (lagoon, river, creek, canal, marsh or inlet) connected to the IRL
|The COC oversees the Save Our Indian River Lagoon (SOIRL) program in Brevard County.
|Department of Interior
|The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) conserves and manages the Nation’s natural resources and cultural heritage for the benefit and enjoyment of the American people.
|Environmental Protection Agency
|An independent agency of the U.S. federal government that protects people and the environment from significant health risks, sponsors and conducts research, and develops and enforces environmental regulations.
|Florida Atlantic University
|FAU in Fort Pierce is home to the Harbor Branch (HB) Oceanographic Institute whose Indian River Lagoon Observatory (IRLO) is monitoring the southern IRL water quality in real-time.
|Florida Institute of Technology
|FIT in Melbourne, Florida is home of the Indian River Lagoon Reseach Institute (IRLRI) who researches and monitors the central IRL.
|Fish and Wildlife Comission
|Under the State of Florida.
|Fish and Wildlife Service
|A bureau within the United States Department of the Interior (DOI), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is a federal conservation agency whose primary responsibility is the management of fish and wildlife for the American public.
|Harbor Branch
|Florida Atlantic University Oceanographic Institute in Fort Pierce, Florida.
|This term is confusing because different demographics use the term differently; Colloquially the Indian River (IR) proper (a lagoon) is often referred to as the Indian River Lagoon (IRL); Nationally the term is used to describe the entire Indian River Lagoon Estuary.
On this site the term is used to refer to the entire Indian River Lagoon Estuary and it's connected waters.
|Administered by the EPA under the U.S. Department of Interior.
|Indian River Lagoon Observatory
|The Indian River Lagoon Observatory (IRLO), based at FAU Harbor Branch in Fort Pierce, Florida, is investigating the IRL’s plants, animals, and environment, and how natural and human-induced stressors impact them. The goal of IRLO is to acquire and disseminate data and knowledge on the IRL critical to its ecological function and its sustainable management.
|Indian River Lagoon Research Institute
|Part of the FIT Oceanographic Institute in Melbourne, Florida.
|Located on the east coast of Florida in Brevard and Volusia counties, Mosquito Lagoon is one of three main bodies of water in the Indian River Lagoon Estuary.
|National Aeronautics and Space Administration
|The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an independent agency of the United States Federal Government responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research.
|National Estuary Program
|An EPA national program to preserve 28 significant United States estuaries.
|National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
|NOAA's Mission: NOAA is an U.S. Department of Commerce Agency.
|National Wildlife Refuge
|The U.S. FWS National Wildlife Refuge System administers a network of United States lands and waters for the conservation, management and restoration of the fish, wildlife and plant resources and their habitats.
|Saint John's Water Management District
|An environmental regulatory agency of the state of Florida
|Save Our Indian River Lagoon
|A Brevard County IRL restoration program funded by a half cent sales tax voted in by the citizens.
=={{SITENAME}} Library==
The '''[[Library|{{SITENAME}} Library]]''' also includes a '''[[Web Link Directory]]''' with links to fun, informative web sites and an '''[[Abbreviations List]]'''.
[[Category:Indian River Lagoon Library]]
[[Category:Indian River Lagoon Library]]
Revision as of 01:05, October 18, 2019
Indian River Lagoon Project Reference Link Directory
IRL Council The IRL Council is a special district of the State of Florida sponsoring the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program (IRLNEP). The IRL Council includes representatives of five counties bordering the lagoon (Volusia, Brevard, the Indian River County Lagoon Coalition, St. Lucie and Martin counties), the St. Johns River and South Florida Water Management Districts, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).
National Estuary Program (NEP) The NEP was established under the EPA by the U.S. Congress as a non-regulatory, community-based program to protect and restore the water quality of the nation's estuaries.
Sebastian Inlet Tax District (SITD) The SITD maintains the inlet between the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian River Lagoon and authorizes programs and projects for beach renourishment, erosion control, environmental protection, navigation, boating, recreation and public safety.]
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The EPA administers the National Estuary Program, identifies Estuaries of National Significance and supports the development of comprehensive management plans to assure that estuaries maintain their ecological integrity.
Association of National Estuary Programs (ANEP) The ANEP works with the 28 individual programs in the National Estuary Program (NEP) to restore and protect estuaries of significant importance.
Public Land Conservation
Florida DEP Aquatic Preserve - Banana River Lagoon Banana River Aquatic Preserve is located in north central Brevard County, separating Merritt Island on the west and the Kennedy Space Center on the east.
Florida DEP Aquatic Preserve - Indian River: Malabar to Vero Beach Aquatic Preserve Located in Brevard and Indian River counties, the Indian River-Malabar to Vero Beach Aquatic Preserve encompasses 28 miles and 29,000 acres of the lagoon. The aquatic preserve begins just north of Turkey Creek at Castaway Point in Palm Bay, extends south to northern Vero Beach. It includes the waters of Turkey Creek and St. Sebastian River.
Located in Indian River and St. Lucie counties, the Indian River: Vero Beach to Fort Pierce Aquatic Preserve is 12 miles long and encompasses 9,500 acres. The aquatic preserve extends from south Vero Beach to the north U.S. Highway A1A bridge in Fort Pierce. It includes Big Starvation Cove, Wildcat Cove and Fort Pierce Cut.
Indian River: Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet Aquatic Preserve Located in St. Lucie, Martin and northern Palm Beach counties, the Indian River: Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet Aquatic Preserve is 37 miles long and encompasses 23,000 acres. The aquatic preserve extends from Fort Pierce south to Jupiter Inlet, including the Peck Lake and Hobe Sound area.
[://floridadep.gov/rcp/aquatic-preserve/locations/mosquito-lagoon-aquatic-preserve Florida DEP Aquatic Preserve - Mosquito Lagoon] Mosquito Lagoon Aquatic Preserve is a long, wide, shallow estuarine lagoon bounded on the west by the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge and on the east by the Playalinda National Seashore.
Florida Atlantic University Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute. Located in Fort Pierce, FAU Harbor Branch’s research and outreach programs translate marine science in order to provide solutions that improve economies and quality of life for coastal communities.