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From Indian River Lagoon Project
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#REDIRECT [[Abbreviations]]
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==About {{PAGENAME}}==
Learning a whole new lingo comes along with the 100's of government (GOV), research (RES), academic institute (INST), and nonprofit organization (NPO) groups involved in the restoration and preservation of the [[Indian River Lagoon Estuary]].
It would be helpful to be familiar with this list so you will know what a "USFWS NWR in the EPA's IRLNEP" is!
==Definition of {{PAGENAME}}==
'''Abbreviation:''' A shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase; as in Dr. for Doctor or U.S. for United States.
'''Acronym:''' A type of abbreviation that is a new pronounceable word formed by using the first letter of each word found in a phrase or name: as in YOLO for "you only live once" or NASA from National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
'''Initialism:''' A type of acronym that uses a set of initials formed with the first letters of the words in a phrase or name with each letter pronounced separately; as in LOL for "laugh out loud" or IRL from Indian River Lagoon.
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==List of Abbreviations==
|order by=_ID DESC
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<div class="irlfooter">{{IRL footer abbreviation}}</div><!-- Footer div -->
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Latest revision as of 16:19, February 7, 2020

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