Form:Waterbody: Difference between revisions

From Indian River Lagoon Project
mNo edit summary
mNo edit summary
(7 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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This is the "Water Body Info Box" entry form.
This is the "Water Body Info Box" entry form.
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If this is an existing entry and you need to change the name, create a new listing with the correct title and then delete the improperly titled listing.
If this is an existing entry and you need to change the name, create a new listing with the correct title and then delete the improperly titled listing.
<div class="irlformrow1">
<div class="irlformrow2">
<span class="irlformrowlabel">Type: </span>{{{field|Type|input type=text|size=21|placeholder=Enter Water Body Type}}}
<span class="irlformrowlabel">*Water Body Type: </span>{{{field|Type|input type=dropdown|values=Lagoon, River, Creek, Canal, Inlet, Port|default=|mandatory}}}

Enter a waterbody type. ie: Lagoon, River, Creek
<span class="irlformrowlabel">Water Body ID: </span>{{{field|WBID|input type=text|size=12|maxlength=16|}}}
<div class="irlformrow1">
<div class="irlformrow1">
<span class="irlformrowlabel">*Waterway: </span>{{{field|Water|input type=dropdown|values={{Form Values Water}}|default=|mandatory}}}
<span class="irlformrowlabel">*Main Basin: </span>{{{field|Water|input type=dropdown|values=Halifax River, Mosquito Lagoon, Indian River, Banana River|default=|mandatory}}}
<div class="irlformrow1">
<div class="irlformrow2">
<span class="irlformrowlabel">*County: </span>{{{field|County|input type=dropdown|values=Volusia,Brevard,Indian River,Saint Lucie,Martin,Palm Beach|default= |mandatory}}}
<span class="irlformrowlabel">*County: </span>{{{field|County|input type=dropdown|values=Volusia,Brevard,Indian River,Saint Lucie,Martin,Palm Beach|default= |mandatory}}}
<div class="irlformrow2">
<div class="irlformrow1">
<span class="irlformrowlabel">Coordinates: </span>
<span class="irlformrowlabel">*Coordinates: </span>

Enter the GIS Coordinates (ex: 28.082699, -80.594990) or zoom in on the map and click on the bridge location. The locate by address method isn't working yet. Leave blank for no map.
Enter the GIS Coordinates (ex: 28.082699, -80.594990) or zoom in on the map and click on the bridge location. The locate by address method isn't working yet. Leave blank for no map.

{{{field|Coordinates|input type=googlemaps|width=inherit|height=380px|starting bounds=26.70,-82.63;29.36,-78.55}}}
{{{field|Coordinates|input type=googlemaps|width=inherit|height=380px|starting bounds=26.70,-82.63;29.36,-78.55|mandatory}}}
<div class="irlformrow1">
<div class="irlformrow2">
<span class="irlformrowlabel">* Description</span>
<span class="irlformrowlabel">*Description</span>

{{{field|Description|input type=textarea|rows=10|editor=wikieditor|autogrow|placeholder=Enter a short one or two paragragh description.|mandatory}}}
{{{field|Description|input type=textarea|rows=10|editor=wikieditor|autogrow|placeholder=Enter a short one or two paragragh description.|mandatory}}}

Enter a short description about the water body. This description is used in Water Body Info Boxes throughout the site. Consider creating a new article if you have more than a couple paragraphs of text.
Enter a short description about the water body. This description is used in Water Body Info Boxes throughout the site. Create an article if you have more than a couple paragraphs of text.
<div class="irlformrow1">
<div class="irlformrow1">
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{{{field|Article|input=text|size=36|values from namespace=Main}}}
{{{field|Article|input=text|size=36|values from namespace=Main}}}
<div class="irlformrow2">
<div class="irlformrow1">
<span class="irlformrowlabel">External Web Site Links</span>
<span class="irlformrowlabel">External Web Site Links</span>

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{{{end template}}}
{{{end template}}}

'''Free Text'''
'''Free Text - Admin Only'''

{{{standard input|free text|rows=10|editor=visualeditor|autogrow|placeholder=Admin Edit Only.|restricted}}}
{{{standard input|free text|rows=10|editor=visualeditor|autogrow|placeholder=Admin Edit Only.|restricted}}}

Latest revision as of 09:24, January 5, 2022

This is the "Water Body Info Box" entry form.

To create a Water Body Info Box with this form, enter the water's name below.

If a water body with that name already exists, you will be sent to a form to edit that info.