Form:Event: Difference between revisions

From Indian River Lagoon Project
mNo edit summary
mNo edit summary
(14 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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This is the IRL Community Event input form.
This is the IRL Community Event input form.

Enter the event name followed by the start date. (ie: IRL Work Day 2021-01-01)
Enter the event name followed by the start date. (ie: IRL Work Day {{LOCALYEAR}}-{{LOCALMONTH}}-{{LOCALDAY2}})

Line 66: Line 67:
Enter a brief (max 250 characters) descriptive summary of the event.
Enter a brief (max 250 characters) descriptive summary of the event.

{{{field|Description|input type=textarea|rows=4|maxlength=300|placeholder=Enter a brief introduction text (max 300 characters).|mandatory}}}
{{{field|Description|input type=textarea|rows=4|maxlength=256|placeholder=Enter a brief introduction text (max 256 characters).|mandatory}}}

This description text is displayed on the event's page, in the IRL Calendar and on social media links. Search engines usually display around 140 characters.
This description text is displayed on the event's page, in the IRL Calendar and on social media links.

<span class="irlformrowlabel">Guests: </span>{{{field|People|input type=text|size=50|maxlength=256|Placeholder=ex: Title: Name, Title2: Name2}}}
<span class="irlformrowlabel">Guests: </span>{{{field|People|input type=text|size=50|maxlength=256|Placeholder=ex: Title: Name, Title2: Name2}}}
Line 110: Line 111:
<div class="irlformrow2">
<div class="irlformrow2">
<span class="irlformrowlabel">Event Type: </span>{{{field|Type|input type=text|size=45|maxlength=128|placeholder=ex: Class, Meeting, Volunteer Day, Benefit}}}
<span class="irlformrowlabel">Event Type: </span>{{{field|Type|input type=text|size=45|maxlength=128|placeholder=ex: Class, Meeting, Volunteer Day, Benefit}}}

<span class="irlformrowlabel">Event Format: </span>{{{field|Format|input type=radiobutton|values=Online, In-Person|show on select=In-Person=>location|default=Online|mandatory}}}
<span class="irlformrowlabel">Event Format: </span>{{{field|Format|input type=radiobutton|values=In-Person, Online, Hybrid|show on select=In-Person=>location;Hybrid=>location|default=In-Person|mandatory}}}

<div id="location">
<div id="location">
Line 122: Line 123:

&#42; City: {{{field|City|input type=text|size=19|maxlength=64|placeholder=Enter Location City}}}
&#42; City: {{{field|City|input type=text|size=19|maxlength=64|placeholder=Enter Location City}}}
&#42; State: {{{field|State|input type=text|size=2|maxlength=8|placeholder=FL}}}  
&#42; State: {{{field|State|input type=text|size=2|maxlength=8|default=FL|placeholder=FL|Manadatory}}}  
&#42; Zip: {{{field|Zip|input type=text|size=8|maxlength=10|placeholder=Enter Zip}}}
&#42; Zip: {{{field|Zip|input type=text|size=8|maxlength=10|placeholder=Enter Zip}}}

Line 130: Line 131:
<span class="irlformrowlabel">Coordinates: </span>
<span class="irlformrowlabel">Coordinates: </span>
To set the coordinates: Zoom in and click on the location. The Address Location method isn't working.
To set the coordinates: Zoom in and click on the location. The Address Location method isn't working.
{{{field|Coordinates|input type=googlemaps|starting bounds=26.70,-82.63;29.36,-78.55}}}
{{{field|Coordinates|input type=googlemaps|starting bounds=26.70,-82.63;29.36,-78.55|zoom=10}}}
Line 150: Line 151:
<span class="irlformrowlabel">Image:</span>
<span class="irlformrowlabel">Image:</span>

{{{field|Image|input type=text with autocomplete|values from namespace=File|size=46|maxlength=300|uploadable|image preview|default filename=Event_{{#replace:{{lc: {{SUBPAGENAME}} }} |<nowiki> </nowiki>|_}}|placeholder=Enter file name or upload image}}}
{{{field|Image|input type=text with autocomplete|values from namespace=File|size=46|maxlength=300|uploadable|image preview|default filename=Event_{{#replace:{{lc: {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}.jpg |<nowiki> </nowiki>|_}}|placeholder=Enter file name or upload a JPG image.}}}

If the image already exists on the server, enter the file name. ([{{canonicalurl: Special:ListFiles}} view server images])
If the image already exists on the server, enter the file name. ([{{canonicalurl: Special:ListFiles}} view server images])

If the image file is not on this server, upload an image from your device.
If the image file is not on this server, upload a JPG image from your device.
<div class="irlformrow1">
<div class="irlformrow1">
Line 163: Line 164:
<span class="irlformrowlabel">&#42;Main Text Body:</span>
<span class="irlformrowlabel">&#42;Main Text Body:</span>

{{{field|Text_Body|input type=textarea|rows=14|placeholder=Enter the full text body here.|mandatory}}}
{{{field|Text_Body|input type=textarea|rows=14|editor=visualeditor|class=toolbarOnTop|placeholder=Enter the full text body here.|mandatory}}}
<div class="irlformrow2">
<div class="irlformrow2">
<span class="irlformrowlabel">&#42;Category: </span>Select a general category topic.
<span class="irlformrowlabel">Category: </span>Optional: Select a general topic.

{{{field|Topic|input type=tree|width=400|height=400|top category=Directory|hideroot|mandatory}}}
{{{field|Topic|input type=tree|width=320|height=320|top category=Form Values Topic|hideroot|depth=1}}}
<div class="irlformrow1">
<div class="irlformrow1">
Line 210: Line 211:

{{{standard input|summary}}}
<!-- {{{standard input|summary}}} -->

{{{standard input|minor edit}}} {{{standard input|watch}}}
{{{standard input|minor edit}}} {{{standard input|watch}}}

Latest revision as of 08:37, February 3, 2023

This is the IRL Community Event input form.

Enter the event name followed by the start date. (ie: IRL Work Day 2025-03-13)

If the Event Name appears in the dropdown list it is already on the calendar. You can select the existing Event Name to edit it or type in a different Event Name to add a new calendar entry.