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Title   SOIRL-Citizen Oversight Committee-2020-01-17
Description   Save Our Indian River Lagoon Citizen Oversight Committee Meeting Friday, January 17, 2020 at 8:30 a,m. in the Commission Chambers of the Brevard County Government Center in Viera.
Region   Brevard County
Water_Body   Estuary
Location   Viera
Access_Date   January 16, 2020
Published_Date   January 11, 2020
Publisher   Brevard County Save Our Indian River Lagoon
Type   Social Media
Social_Type   Facebook
Social_Name   Brevard County Save Our Indian River Lagoon
Keywords   Save Our Indian River Lagoon Citizen Oversight Committee 2020
Topic   Brevard County Locale
Page   Save Our Indian River Lagoon

This meeting will be presenting the proposed updates to the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Plan for 2020. The January 17, 2020 meeting starts at 8:30am in the Commission Chambers of the Brevard County Government Center in Viera.

Meetings are also streamable live at or aired on Channel 499 on Spectrum (formerly Brighthouse) networks; Channel 99 for AT&T U-verse customers; and on Comcast (North Brevard) Channel 51 and (South Brevard) Channel 13. There are archive videos of the previous meetings on Spacecoast TV

The agendas for the meetings are posted on the Save Our Lagoon website under the Citizen Oversight Committee section

The role of the Citizen's Oversight Committee is to review monitoring data on timeliness of project delivery, actual and updated project costs, and actual nutrient removal effectiveness, review new literature and local studies on the types of projects included in the plan and potential alternative project types, evaluate alternative project proposals received from the community, and recommend annual adjustments to the plan.

Poster   Admin
Posted   20200116163047