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Brevard County Commission moves to close the county to tourists and leisure visitors.
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''"Fishing in the Know"'' is the FWC's monthly fishing newsletter. This issue includes the December Commission meeting agenda where changes to the Atlantic Coast flounder fishery will be discussed. Atlantic Snook fishery closes Dec 15, 2020.
''Fishing in the Know'' is Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission's monthly fishing newsletter with information on fishery closures, regulation changes and upcoming Florida fishing events. November 28th is Florida's Saltwater License Free fishing day.
"There may be a significant number of manatees that are dying because they are just starving to death.", Patrick Rose, Save the Manatee
$10 million was appropriated in 2019-20 specifically for innovative technologies to combat and clean up Florida's harmful algal blooms.
$53M in funding has been designated for FDEP wastewater and sewer to septic conversion projects along the Indian River Lagoon.
A bill backing a Gov. Ron DeSantis proposal to raise fines for violating environmental protections passed its first committee stop Monday.
A vote on the approval of $25 million in Indian River Lagoon project funds was dropped during the St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Governing Board meeting held on December 8, 2020.
All 177 Florida State Parks are closed as of Monday, March 23, 2020.
All beaches in the City of Cocoa Beach are closed to all activities except walking, jogging, biking, fishing, surfing and swimming. Activities such as sunbathing, sitting in chairs, organized sports or laying on blankets is not allowed.
An Israeli company has been given a $945,000 state contract to keep blue-green algae in Lake Okeechobee from getting into the St. Lucie River estuary.
Around 500 mangroves in Volusia County's Wilbur-By-The-Sea were cut well below the height mandated by Florida's guidelines, forcing the state to investigate how it happened.
As the new bridge to Florida’s future spaceport, the new 4,025-foot-long span across the Indian River lagoon will be Kennedy Space Center's key corridor for commercial spaceflight.
Beachside public parking along the 72-mile Brevard County shoreline will be closed beginning on Thursday March 18, 2020 in an attempt to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Brevard Coalition presents "Lagoon Straight Talk" on January 22, 2020 at Satellite High School.
Brevard County Beaches will be closed 11am - 4pm March 27 - 29, 2020.
Brevard County Boating and Waterways begins removing 40 - 50 derelict boats from the Indian River Lagoon.
· Brevard County Commission moves to close the county to tourists and leisure visitors. ·
Brevard County environmental groups comment on the NASA KSC Roberts Road 100 Acre Expansion Environmental Assessment
Brevard County is Florida's epicenter for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI H5N1)
Brevard Fisherman and IRL Advocate Kurt Boyken asks boaters to contact their representatives to support keeping Brevard's boat ramps open.
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Canaveral National Seashore (CANA) is closed due to novel coronavirus (COVID19) guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Dr. Chuck Jacoby, Chief Environmental Scientist, St. Johns River Water Management District, presented an Indian River Lagoon Water Quality Update to the Department of Environmental Protection IRL Basin Management Action Plan meeting on December 16, 2020.
Dr. Peter Barile, "The Legislature and the governor should be vigilant in cutting wasteful spending projects such as muck dredging and “super clam” seed plantings that are not consistent with the FDEP’s restoration plans for the Lagoon."
Effective Monday March 23, 2020 all St. Lucie County Beaches are Closed.
Effective immediately, all Florida State Parks are changing day visitation hours to 8 a.m. to 5 p.m and cancelling all events, activities, special event reservations, pavilion rentals and camping reservations at Florida State Parks for the next 60 days.
Efforts like restoring coastal wetlands and removing outdated dams (ie: causeways) can improve coastal resilience—helping communities recover from and adapt to the impacts of extreme weather and climate change.
Encourage your community leaders to start a leaf removal and street sweeping program BEFORE the spring rains wash our pollution into the water.
FDEP Secretary Noah Valenstein has adopted the 2021 Indian and Banana River lagoon Basin Management Action Plan Updates.
Five years after Brevard County voters approved a half-cent sales tax to clean up the Indian River Lagoon, the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Program officially marks completion of the 50th restoration project and announces another 50-plus planned projects.
Florida Atlantic University’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute in Fort Pierce is hosting the 2020 John & Barbara Ferrara Ocean Science Lecture Series.
Florida DOT officials expect the SR405 bridge construction to begin in 2021, with estimated completion in 2025. The new fixed-span bridges will rise at least 65 feet above the river's surface.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection responds to the Governor's 2020 State of the State Address.
Florida District 52 Rep. Thad Altman (R) has introduced five appropriation bills totaling $5,321,500 to benefit the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary.
Florida Environmental Leaders Applaud Governor Ron DeSantis Signing Legislation to Protect Florida’s Water Resources and Support Conservation Efforts.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission asks anglers to help researchers when the Florida Atlantic Coast Snook season reopens February 1, 2020.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is reminding beachgoers that they can help protect nesting sea turtles by practicing some simple tips.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has been notified by the National Veterinary Services Laboratory of confirmed cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) strain: H5 in avian species.
Florida Gov. DeSantis employs innovative peroxide algicide technology to treat Harmful Algae Blooms that may occur from the Army Corps' continued Lake Okeechobee discharge into the St. Lucie River estuary.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has appointed three additional members to the St. Johns River Water Management District Governing Board.
Florida House District 55 Representative Tuck (R) has filed a $1.2m appropriations request for an Angler Action Foundation IRL Seagrass Restoration Project.
Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) officials today announced the company has allocated more than $700,000 over the next three years to support manatee rescue and rehabilitation, as well as habitat restoration.
Florida Tech has received $921,500 to fund phase 3 of it's Indian River Lagoon Inflow Study.
Florida's once a week lawn watering restrictions for the fall season started on November 1st. Do your part to improve the Indian River Lagoon and conserve Florida's water by setting your sprinkler systems to once a week operation now.
Funding is available for a wide range of water infrastructure projects, including modernizing aging wastewater infrastructure, implementing water reuse and recycling and addressing stormwater.
Gov. DeSantis announces 50% discounts from October 14, 2023 through January 13, 2024 on Florida State Park passes and FWC Hunting and Fishing licenses.
Gov. DeSantis vetoes funding for Florida Tech's Indian River Lagoon saltwater inflow research.
IRL Water Quality Update by Dr. Chuck Jacoby, SJRWMD
IRL fishing guide Capt. Billy Rotne speaks out on the Indian River Lagoon manatee mortality event.
In Tallahassee, a package of proposals is wending its way through legislative committees that attempts to better control pollutant-laden runoff that nourish the blue-green algae, risking environmental havoc on ponds, lakes and the state's prized Everglades
In an effort to protect residents from increasing environmental challenges and in keeping with it's Vision Statement, the City of Cape Canaveral has implemented numerous lagoon friendly sustainability initiatives.
In response to an inquiry from SpaceX, NASA is preparing to conduct environmental assessments to develop a proposed new launch site, Launch Complex 49, at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
In this Florida Today editorial, geologist Randall Parkinson speaks against new Indian River Lagoon inlets.
Indian River County has received a $650,000 grant from the Florida DEP for construction of an Aquatic Plant System to remove nutrients from farm waters before discharge into the Indian River Lagoon.
Indian River Lagoon Project has added a News Headlines section that compiles the latest Indian River Lagoon News Headlines, Stories and Events for Florida East Coast communities.
Indian River Lagoon Project has added an IRL Document Repository to archive Indian River Lagoon documents for safekeeping and easy retrieval.
Indian River Lagoon manatees are dying with nothing in their stomachs, because there is nothing for them to eat.
Indian River Lagoon manatees are starving to death at an alarming rate due to the depletion of seagrass, and the interruption of their natural migration.
Israeli company BlueWater Technologies completed it's $940,000 Lake O. contract last week with no application of their hydrogen peroxide algicide. This week they move to Lake Minneola to begin a $1.7m contract to apply the controversial product.
Jupiter Attorney Leslie Blackner sent a Notice of Intent to Sue to Florida Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Shawn Hamilton requesting immediate action on behalf of starving North Indian River Lagoon manatees.
Kennedy Space Center Director Janet Petro reveals plans for an upcoming Indian River Lagoon health initiative at KSC.
Marine Resources Council (MRC) celebrated National Estuary Day with a webinar featuring presentations on the Indian River Lagoon Observatory Network (IRLON) by Dr. M. Dennis Hanisak, Ph.D., and MRC's new IRL Report Card by Dr. Leesa Souto.
Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge has closed Biolab Road. Blackpoint Wildlife Drive and other refuge areas are open.
NASA passes ownership of the SR405 Indian River Causeway to the Florida Department of Transportation along with a decades old categorical exclusion that exempts the bridge replacement from environmental review.
NASA recently developed the KSC Indian River Lagoon Health Initiative Plan to provide a framework for Kennedy Space Center to navigate the unique environmental relationship between the space center and the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary.
NOAA declares Unusual Mortality Event as 11% of Florida's east coast manatee population expires in the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary.
NOAA's Office of Law Enforcement is conducting an investigation involving the deaths of six critically endangered smalltooth sawfish in Everglades City, Fla.
November is Manatee Awareness Month and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is reminding the public that these large marine mammals are on the move.
On March 2nd, 2022, the Brevard Nature Alliance Board of Directors voted to discontinue the Space Coast Wildlife Festival and dissolve the non-profit corporation effective April 30, 2022.
On November 9, 2021 the St. Johns River Water Management District Governing Board voted to amend Melbourne's Crane Creek M-1 Canal Restoration Project in order to add additional funding and to extend the expiration date.
Pharmaceutical contaminants have been found in Florida's redfish during a year-long study by FIU and Bonefish & Tarpon Trust.
Problems with the Indian River Lagoon have caused a race to save the unique estuary, and now Kennedy Space Center is considering its part in the lagoon's health as well.
Removal of Florida bat colonies must be completed before the maternity season starts on April 15. Bat exclusions are illegal during the maternity season, which runs through August 15.
Saint Johns River Water Management District Governing Board has approved over $10 million for Indian River lagoon septic to sewer conversion projects.
Save Our Indian River Lagoon Citizen Oversight Committee Meeting Friday, January 17, 2020 at 8:30 a,m. in the Commission Chambers of the Brevard County Government Center in Viera.
Seatrout closure Nov 1 for Florida's East Coast.
Sebastian Inlet Tax District (SITD) has posted a public notice announcing the closure of the North and South Jetties October 18 - 22, 2021 while engineers conduct an inspection of the structures.
Since it's 2020 inception as a small online research archive, Indian River Lagoon News has grown to include news, educational resources and community events. To date, the web site has published over 800 content pages and served over 58,000 unique visitors seeking Indian River Lagoon information.
Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) submitted a proposal to expand its Starship/Super Heavy program operations at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC).
The 2023 Florida Senate has passed SB1632 to strengthen Basin Management Action Plans (BMAP) and fund Indian River Lagoon restoration projects.
The 57-year-old bridge spanning the Sebastian Inlet to link the Brevard and Indian River barrier islands is set to be replaced in late 2026, according to the Florida Department of Transportation.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has proposed new Nitrogen and Phosphorus Load Allocations in order to reduce the impact of human-introduced nutrient pollution on the Indian River Lagoon estuary.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is offering free admission to Florida State Parks for all visitors on Veterans Day, Thursday, Nov. 11, in gratitude for the courageous men and women who served in the nation's armed forces.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Division of Water Restoration Assistance Nonpoint Source Management program announces the launch of the new green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) website.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) continues to monitor bird mortalities suspected to be attributed to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza throughout Florida.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) made changes to Spotted seatrout regulations after reviewing stock assessments and gathering input from anglers.
The Gopher Tortoise Council has declared April 10th as Gopher Tortoise Day to raise awareness for this remarkable reptile. Gopher tortoises are charming creatures that are classified as state-threatened in Florida, primarily due to habitat loss.
The Indian River Lagoon Council Board of Directors met on November 6, 2020 in Sebastian, Florida. Presentations included water quality reports, Lagoon Saltwater Inflow Modeling, and the IRLNEP Executive Director's Year End Presentation from Dr. Duane De Freese.
The Indian River Lagoon environmental group Fight for Zero reviews 50 years of negative space program impacts.
The KSC IRL Health Initiative provides a plan which considers the unique relationship between the Kennedy Space Center and the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary.
The Marine Resources Council (MRC) has published it's first Indian River Lagoon progress report.
The Marine Resources Council studied 25 years of state water quality data collected in 10 Indian River Lagoon regions in order to present their 3rd IRL Health Update Report Card.
The Murphy-Mast bill would support the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Florida organizations like Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium, and Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute.
The Saint Johns River Water Management District will now allow all Florida water management districts and the FDEP to rapidly access the BlueGreen algicide treatment when critical harmful algal blooms (HAB) are present.
The St. Johns River Water Management District Governing Board approved a $19.5 million contract to begin construction of the Crane Creek M-1 Canal Flow Restoration Project.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) is now formulating a new operational schedule to manage the waters in Lake Okeechobee, and we must demand adoption of a new plan that will stop the discharges to the northern estuaries and send clean water south to the Everglades and Florida Bay.
The budget reaffirms Governor DeSantis’ commitment to high priority conservation items including red tide research and manatee rescue, and provides additional resources and support for law enforcement.
The primary ecological goal of the proposed KSC Mitigation Bank is to improve fish and wildlife habitat and improve the overall integrity of ecological communities within Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge and the Indian River Lagoon watershed.
The projects will help collect and treat stormwater runoff to reduce the amount of pollutants and nutrients that enter the Indian River Lagoon.
There currently are several types of algae blooming in the lagoon, which is evident in areas of the lagoon that have turned the color of pea soup.
This weekends Brevard Beach closures will now be determined by each municipality.
Tiny single-celled algae have begun to cast a huge pea-soup green shadow over the Indian River Lagoon, setting the stage for a repeat of the massive fish kill four years ago, when dead sea life fouled canals and choked the lagoon during a smelly summer of environmental chaos.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announces the approval of a planned deviation from Lake Okeechobee regulations to reduce risk from Harmful Algal Blooms.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), and Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) are enhancing efforts to address the unusual manatee mortality event (UME) in the North Indian River Lagoon.
U.S. Rep. Brian Mast spoke about Lake Okeechobee water levels on Tuesday morning, and called on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to change its water management, or he says we could see harmful water releases this summer.
Volunteers needed to help clean up the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.
Volusia County Council approves $3m Gabordy Canal Stormwater Project to improve Mosquito Lagoon water quality.
Will we ever clean up the Indian River Lagoon, or are we just keeping up with the damage caused by increased development?
With four major sources of Nitrogen pollution, restoration of the Indian River Lagoon is a complex issue. Every source must be addressed - It’s a classic “Yes And” Issue.
Without immediate drastic environmental changes from the city to federal level Brevard County residents may soon witness the death of the Northern Indian and Banana River lagoons.
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